Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 13 July 97

Foil 4 High Performance Industry Standard Component-based Visual Programming for DoE2000 Systems - II

From JavaBeans and Visual HPCC omponentWare Study of DoE2000 Initiative -- July 1997. by Wojtek Furmanski, Geoffrey Fox

1 A new revolution referred to as the 'Object Web' based on integrating CORBA/IIOP based distributed objects and Java/JavaBeans based visual componentware technologies is around the corner.
2 The development of ACTS could be boosted by adapting these new industry standards and augmenting them by suitable focused high performance implementations of critical functions.
3 We propose here a systematic process of evolving the current heterogeneous collection of object libraries and tools within ACTS towards a more organized and interoperable ensemble of HP-CORBA based HP-Components.
  • More easily composable towards HPCC applications in terms of Java/JavaBeans based visual programming tools to be provided by the industry.

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