Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 13 July 97

Foil 5 HPCC ComponentWare: Essential Ideas

From JavaBeans and Visual HPCC omponentWare Study of DoE2000 Initiative -- July 1997. by Wojtek Furmanski, Geoffrey Fox

1 Large gains in HPCC user productivity will be attained if we can integrate the ideas and technologies of modern (PC) visual programming with classical HPCC approaches
2 Use of important emerging Web and CORBA technology allows HPCC object (C++.,Java) and visual (CODE, Hence, WebFlow, AVS, Khoros) systems to be enhanced to become parallel component-based visual programming systems.
3 CORBA does not incorporate HPCC but as it specifies services and not implementation, we assert that one can build a high performance HP-CORBA environment where we separate a high functionality modest performance control layer from an optional high performance method invocation layer.
4 HP-CORBA can be built on Nexus and Globus and it will allow HPCC users access to any CORBA service with an option for high performance when necessary.
5 The NPAC WebFlow technology can be combined with emerging JavaBean technology to produce a prototype HPcomponent system which can be used with DoE HPCC object based systems such as POOMA and PETSc.

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