Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 7 98

Foil 36 Irregular Mesh: Mapping

From DoD HPF Training -- 5. Parallel Programming in HPF DoD Training and Others -- 1995-98. by Chuck Koelbel -- Rice University

1 This program is going to be challenging
  • Indexing of arrays will be difficult
  • Owner-computes rule difficult to apply
  • Key technique: inspector-executor communication
    • First time the code is executed, generate a table of required communication at run time (inspector)
    • Problem: How big does that table get?
    • Problem: How do you efficiently distribute that table to all processors?
    • Use this table to manage unstructured communication until the communication pattern changes (executor)
    • Problem: How do you know the pattern has changed?
  • Commercial compilers are attacking these problems, but there is a long way to go

in Table To:

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