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DoD HPF Training -- 5. Parallel Programming in HPF

Given by Chuck Koelbel -- Rice University at DoD Training and Others on 1995-98. Foils prepared August 7 98

Fifth in series of Chuck Koelbel on HPF
Overall Discussion followed by Examples
  • Jacobi Iteration
  • Gaussian Elimination
  • Conjugate Gradient
  • Irregular Mesh
Of Increasing Complexity .....

Table of Contents for DoD HPF Training -- 5. Parallel Programming in HPF

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1 "High Performance Fortran in Practice" tutorial 5. Parallel Programming in HPF
Presented at SIAM Parallel Processing San Francisco, Feb. 14, 1995
Completely Revised for Supercomputing '95
Presented at Supercomputing '95, San Diego, December 4, 1995
Presented at University of Tennessee (short form), Knoxville, March 21, 1996
Presented at Metacenter Regional Alliances, Cornell, May 6, 1996
Presented at Summer of HPF Workshop, Vienna, July 1, 1996
Presented at Institute for Mathematics & its Applications, Minneapolis, September 11-13, 1996
Presented at Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiments Station, Vicksburg, MS, October 30-November 1, 1996
Presented at Supercomputing '96, Pittsburgh, PA, November 17, 1996
Presented at NAVO, Stennis Space Center, MS, Feb 13, 1997
Presented at HPF Users Group (short version), Santa Fe, NM, February 23, 1997
Presented at ASC, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, March 5, 1997
Parts presented at SC'97, November 17, 1997
Parts presented (slideshow mode) at SC¹97, November 15-21, 1997
Presented at DOD HPC Users Group, June 1, 1998
2 Outline
3 Designing Parallel Algorithms
4 Designing Parallel Programs in HPF
5 Jacobi Iteration
Jacobi Iteration: The Algorithm
6 Jacobi Iteration:
Equations and Pictures
7 Jacobi Iteration: Partitioning
8 Jacobi Iteration: Communication
9 Jacobi Iteration: Agglomeration
10 Jacobi Iteration: HPF Program
11 Jacobi Iteration: Mapping
12 Gaussian Elimination
Gaussian Elimination: The Algorithm
13 Gaussian Elimination: Pictures
14 Gaussian Elimination: Partitioning
15 Gaussian Elimination: Communication
16 Gaussian Elimination: Agglomeration
17 Gaussian Elimination: HPF Program
18 Gaussian Elimination: Mapping
19 Conjugate Gradient
Conjugate Gradient: The Algorithm
20 Conjugate Gradient:
Equations and Pictures
21 Conjugate Gradient: More Equations
22 Conjugate Gradient: Partitioning
23 Conjugate Gradient: Communication
24 Conjugate Gradient: Agglomeration
25 Conjugate Gradient: HPF Program
26 Conjugate Gradient: Mapping
27 Irregular Mesh
Irregular Mesh Relaxation:
The Algorithm
28 Irregular Mesh: Sequential Program
29 Irregular Mesh:
Partitioning & Communication
30 Irregular Mesh: Agglomeration I
31 Irregular Mesh: Agglomeration II
32 Irregular Mesh: Pictures
33 Irregular Mesh: Bad Data Distribution
34 Irregular Mesh: Good Data Distribution
35 Irregular Mesh: HPF Program
36 Irregular Mesh: Mapping

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