Element updates require nearest neighbors
CYCLIC Þ communicate entire array
BLOCK Þ least communication volume
(BLOCK,*) Þ move u(i-1,j), u(i+1,j) " j
(BLOCK,BLOCK) Þ move u(ILOW-1,j), u(IHIGH+1,j) " j, u(i,JLOW-1), u(i,JHIGH+1) " i
Convergence test requires a whole-array reduction
Any distribution Þ static, structured communication
The bottom line
(BLOCK,*) on high-latency machines or small problem sizes
(BLOCK,BLOCK) on low-latency machines
REAL u(0:nx,0:ny), unew(0:nx,0:ny), f(0:nx,0:ny)
!HPF$ ALIGN (:,:) WITH u(:,:) :: unew, f
dx = 1.0/nx; dy = 1.0/ny; err = tol * 1e6
FORALL ( i=0:nx, j=0:ny )
f(i,j) = -2*(dx*i)**2+2*dx*i-2*(dy*j)**2+2*dy*j
u = 0.0; unew = 0.0
DO WHILE (err > tol)
FORALL ( i=1:nx-1, j=1:ny-1 ) &
unew(i,j) = (u(i-1,j)+u(i+1,j)+u(i,j-1)+ &
err = MAXVAL( ABS(unew-u) )
u = unew
Pivot selection requires a 1-D reduction
Distribute rows Þ parallel, with communication
Distribute columns Þ sequential, but no communication
Element updates require the old value and elements from the pivot row and column
Distribute rows Þ parallel, but broadcast the pivot row
Distribute columns Þ parallel, but broadcast the pivot column
Each stage works on a smaller contiguous region of the array
BLOCK Þ processors drop out of the computation
CYCLIC Þ work stays (fairly) evenly distributed until the end
The bottom line
(*,CYCLIC) if broadcast > pivoting one column
(CYCLIC,*) if broadcast < one column, synchronous comm.
(CYCLIC,CYCLIC) if broadcast < one col., overlapped comm.
REAL a(n,n), tmp(n)
!HPF$ ALIGN tmp(i) WITH a(*,i)
DO k = 1, n-1
! Select the pivot
ipivot = MAXLOC( ABS(a(k:n,k)) ) + k - 1
! Swap the rows
tmp(k:n) = a(ipivot,k:n)
a(ipivot,k:n) = a(k,k:n)
a(k,k:n) = tmp(k:n)
! Update the submatrix
FORALL ( i=k+1:n, j=k+1:n ) &
& a(i,j) = a(i,j) - a(i,k)/tmp(k)*tmp(j)
REAL u(0:n,0:n), r(0:n,0:n), p(0:n,0:n)
REAL q(0:n,0:n), f(0:n,0:n)
!HPF$ ALIGN (:,:) WITH u(:,:) :: r, p, q, f
SUBROUTINE a_times_vector( x, y )
REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x(:,:)
REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: y(:,:)
!HPF$ ALIGN y(:,:) WITH *x(:,:)
u = 0.0
r = f
err = MAXVAL( ABS(r(1:n-1,1:n-1)) )
i = 0; rho = 0
Each iteration of the relaxation uses all the data computed in the previous step, and the edge array
No parallelism at this level
(Does this sound familiar?)
Instead, use the data-parallel edge and node updates
Independent because edge_val ‚ node_val
x(iedge(i,1)) = x(iedge(i,1)) - flux(i);
x(iedge(i,2)) = x(iedge(i,2)) + flux(i)
Not independent because sometimes iedge(iY,1) = iedge(iX,2)
Fortunately, HPF provides the SUM_SCATTER function
Communication needed in both stages
Between edges and nodes to compute flux
Edge-node and node-node to compute x
All communication is static, local with respect to grid, but unstructured with respect to array indices
Warning: Your compiler may do things differently!
Computing edge values requires edge list and node values
Distribute edges Þ parallel, no communication for edges
Replicate edges Þ sequential or broadcast edge values
Distribute nodes Þ move ³shared² endpoints
Replicate nodes Þ no movement for endpoints
Updating node values requires edge list, edge values, and node values
Distribute edges Þ parallel, no communication for edges
Replicate edges Þ sequential, no communication for edges
Distribute nodes Þ move ³shared² endpoints
Replicate nodes Þ move all endpoints
The bottom line, part I
Always distribute edges
Distribute nodes unless the problem is very small
Warning: Your compiler may do things differently!
Computation is static, homogeneous, and over full array (with respect to the edges)
Accesses to node array are ³nearest neighbor² in the mesh
This is not reflected in the index order!
\ This does not favor either BLOCK or CYCLIC
To minimize communication, edge and node distributions must fit the mesh topology
HPF¹s regular distributions are not ideal for this
HPF 2.0 indirect distributions may be better, but require careful construction
The bottom line, part II
No silver bullet
Order the nodes and edges to bring ³close² entities together, then use BLOCK
REAL x(nnode), flux(nedge)
INTEGER iedge(nedge,2)
INTEGER permute_node(nnode), permute_edge(nedge)
!HPF$ ALIGN iedge(i,*) WITH flux(i)
!HPF$ ALIGN permute_edge(i) WITH flux(i)
!HPF$ ALIGN permute_node(i) WITH x(i)
CALL renumber_nodes( iedge, permute_node )
x( permute_node(:) ) = x
FORALL (i=1:nedge) iedge(i,:) = permute_node(iedge(i,:))
permute_edge = GRADE_UP( iedge(:,1) )
FORALL (i=1:nedge) iedge(i,:) = iedge(permute_edge(i),:)
err = tol * 1e6
DO WHILE (err > tol)
x=SUM_SCATTER( flux(1:nedge),x,iedge(1:nedge,2))
err = SUM( flux*flux ) / nedge