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Overview of Advanced JavaScript -- Web Scripting Language

Given by Tom Scavo,Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Technologies of the Information Age on Spring Semester 98. Foils prepared 16 June 98

Java vs. JavaScript
JavaScript Basics and Syntax
JavaScript Core Objects
JavaScript Events
Client-side JavaScript
JavaScript Object Model
Advanced Topics: Cookies, Security, LiveConnect, and LiveWire

Table of Contents for Overview of Advanced JavaScript -- Web Scripting Language

There are two types of foils -- html and image which are each available in basic and JavaScript enabled "focused" style
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where Image Critical
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where Image has important information
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient
denotes presence of Additional linked information which is greyed out if missing

1 JavaScript A Web Scripting Language
2 Outline
JavaScript Resources for Foil 3 3 General Remarks
4 Version History
Whats New in JavaScript 1.2 5 JavaScript 1.2
6 JScript 3.1
JavaScript Standards for Foil 7 7 ECMAScript
8 Java vs. JavaScript
9 PPT Slide
10 PPT Slide
11 Performance Issues
12 JavaScript Basics
JavaScript Scripts for Foil 13 13 JavaScript Scripts
14 "Hello World" Example
Simple scripts for Foil 15 15 "Hello World" Example (cont'd)
16 Form Example
Form Example 17 Form Example (cont'd)
18 The <SCRIPT> Tag
The SCRIPT Tag for Foil 19 19 The <SCRIPT> Tag (cont'd)
The SRC Attribute 20 The <SCRIPT> Tag (cont'd)
JavaScript URLs for Foil 21 21 JavaScript URLs
22 JavaScript Syntax
JavaScript Syntax for Foil 23 23 Basic Syntax
JavaScript Variables for Foil 24 24 Variables
Operators for Foil 25 25 Operators
Expressions for Foil 26 26 Expressions
27 Reserved Words
Statements for Foil 28 28 Statements
IF-THEN-ELSE for Foil 29 29 The if Statement
The switch Statement 30 The switch Statement
Iteration and Recursion for Foil 31 31 The for Statement
General Iteration for Foil 32 32 The while Statement
More Iteration for Foil 33 33 The do...while Statement
34 The with Statement
35 JavaScript Core Objects
JavaScript Object Model for Foil 36 36 Basic Concepts
Built-in Functions for Foil 37 37 PPT Slide
The eval() Function 38 The eval Function
Parsing Functions for Foil 39 39 Parsing Functions
40 Other Global Functions
Authoring Guide, Predefined Core Objects and Functions 41 Built-in Objects
Array Objects for Foil 42 42 Array Objects
Array Methods 43 Array Methods
Boolean Objects for Foil 44 44 Boolean Objects
The Date Object for Foil 45 45 Date Objects
Date Methods for Foil 46 46 Date Methods
Function Objects for Foil 47 47 Function Objects
48 Function Arguments
49 The Math Object
Math Properties 50 Math Properties
Math Methods for Foil 51 51 Math Methods
52 Number Objects
53 Number Properties
54 Number Properties (cont'd)
55 Object Objects
56 RegExp Objects
RegExp Object 57 RegExp Objects (cont'd)
Regular Expressions for Foil 58 58 RegExp Objects (cont'd)
59 String Objects
String Methods for Foil 60 60 String Methods
61 String Methods (cont'd)
62 JavaScript Events
Authoring Guide, Handling Events 63 Events
Event Handlers for Foil 64 64 Event Handlers
Event Handlers for Foil 65 65 Event Handlers (cont'd)
New Event Handlers for Foil 66 66 Event Handlers (cont'd)
67 Event Handler Examples
The Event Object 68 Event Object
The Event Object for Foil 69 69 Event Object (cont'd)
70 Client-side JavaScript
Authoring Guide, Using Navigator Objects 71 Object Hierarchy
Object Referencing 72 Object Referencing
Authoring Guide, Using Windows and Frames 73 Window and Frame Objects
Window Properties for Foil 74 74 Window Properties
75 Window Properties (cont'd)
Frame Properties for Foil 76 76 Frame Properties
77 Frame Example (cont'd)
78 Frame Example (cont'd)
79 Frame Example (cont'd)
Frameset Documents for Foil 80 80 Frameset Documents
Window and Frame Methods for Foil 81 81 Window and Frame Methods
History Properties and Methods for Foil 82 82 History Object
The Location Object for Foil 83 83 Location Object
Document Properties for Foil 84 84 Document Object
85 Document Properties
Document Properties 86 Document Properties (cont'd)
Document Methods for Foil 87 87 Document Methods
Form Objects for Foil 88 88 Form Objects
The form Property 89 Form Properties
90 Form Methods
Image Objects 91 Image Objects
Animation for Foil 92 92 Image Animation
Layers for Foil 93 93 Layer Objects
94 Built-in Arrays
95 HTML-reflected Arrays
Client-side String Methods for Foil 96 96 Client-side String Methods
Navigator Object for Foil 97 97 Navigator Objects
Displaying All MimeType Objects 98 MimeType Objects
Plugins for Foil 99 99 Plugin Objects
100 JavaScript Object Model
A User-defined Object 101 User-defined Objects
102 User-defined Methods
User-defined Objects for Foil 103 103 Another Example
User-defined Methods 104 The prototype Property
The prototype Property 105 The prototype Property (cont'd)
Prototype-based Inheritance for Foil 106 106 Prototype-based Inheritance
107 Advanced Topics
Authoring Guide, Netscape Cookies 108 Cookies
Authoring Guide, Using Cookies 109 Cookies (cont'd)
Cookies 110 Cookies (cont'd)
Authoring Guide, JavaScript Security 111 JavaScript Security
Same Origin Policy 112 Same Origin Policy
113 The domain Property
114 Data Tainting
Signed Script Policy 115 Signed Scripts
Object-Signing Tools 116 Signed Scripts (cont'd)
117 Certificates
118 JAR Files
Signing Software with Netscape Signing Tool 1.0 119 Using signtool
Identifying Signed Scripts 120 Writing Signed Scripts
Using Expanded Privileges 121 Writing Signed Scripts (cont'd)
LiveAudio and LiveConnect for Foil 122 122 LiveConnect
LiveConnect for Foil 123 123 LiveConnect (cont'd)
Making the Database Connection 124 LiveWire
Writing Server-side JavaScript Applications 125 LiveWire (cont'd)

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