Basic HTML version of Foils prepared

Foil 7 CSC499 at Jackson State

From Overview of Tango applications Tango Tutorial San Diego MRA -- June 26 27 98 Datemod;June 18 98. by TangoInteractive Team

Taught using Tango over Internet (now DREN via CEWES) every Tuesday and Thursday from Syracuse
  • Course material based on Syracuse Senior Undergraduate class ECS406
Jackson State major HBC University with many computer science graduates
Do not compete with base courses but offer addon courses with "leading edge" material (Web Technology) which give JSU graduates skills that are important in their career
  • Job fair employers liked Java Programming!
Needs guaranteed 30 (audio) to 100 (video) kilobits per second bandwidth assuming course material mirrored at JSU
  • Can be offered using CD-ROM's to homes with audio only link and 28.8 kbaud modem
This illustrates that synchronous delivery is a "guided tour" of large asynchronous resource -- 250 megabytes in total

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Sun Nov 29 1998