1 | CGI.pm, a Perl5 module (by Lincoln Stein) used to write CGI scripts, is documented in Ch. 19 of Learning Perl (second edition). See the CGI.pm man page for details: |
2 | % man CGI # read CGI man page |
3 | CGI.pm is compatible with the Perl4 library cgi-lib.pl: |
4 | require "cgi-lib.pl"; |
5 | &ReadParse; # initialize global hash %in |
6 | print "The value of 'foo' is $in{foo}.\n"; |
7 | is equivalent to |
8 | use CGI qw(:cgi-lib); |
9 | &ReadParse; # initialize global hash %in |
10 | print "The value of 'foo' is $in{foo}.\n"; |
11 | Other cgi-lib.pl functions available in CGI.pm: |
12 | PrintHeader() HtmlTop() HtmlBot() |
13 | SplitParam() MethGet() MethPost() |