1 | Groups of CGI.pm methods are loaded via import tags: |
2 | :cgi argument-handling methods such as param() |
3 | :form HTML form tags such as textfield() |
4 | :html2 all HTML 2.0 tags |
5 | :html3 all HTML 3.0 tags, including <TABLE> |
6 | :netscape Netscape HTML extensions |
7 | :shortcuts equivalent to qw(:html2 :html3 :netscape) |
8 | :standard equivalent to qw(:html2 :form :cgi) |
9 | :all all of the above |
10 | Examples: |
11 | use CGI; # must use object-oriented syntax! |
12 | use CGI qw(:standard); |
13 | use CGI qw(:standard :html3); |