Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 3 1998

Foil 48 Data Input Validation

From Java Blend and Cold Fusion High Level Database Interfaces CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. by Chao Wei Ou

1 Cold Fusion provides a server-side mechanism for requiring users to enter data in fields, using one of a set of special "suffixes".
2 <INPUT type="hidden" NAME="FirstName_required">
4 Data validation is also implemented by adding hidden fields to forms
5 The hidden field suffixes includes _integer, _float, _range, _date, and _eurodate.
7 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Rooms_integer" VALUE="You must enter a number for the Rooms field.">
8 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Guests_range" VALUE="MIN=1 MAX=12">

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