Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 3 1998

Foil 49 Data Input Validation Types

From Java Blend and Cold Fusion High Level Database Interfaces CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. by Chao Wei Ou

1 Cold Fusion offers several different types of data input validation.
3 Client-side - In a CFFORM, you can specify a JavaScript program in the ONVALIDATE attribute of tags like CFINPUT, CFGRID, CFSLIDER, CFTEXTINPUT, and CFTREE to perform input validation.
4 Server-side - In a CFFORM, you can enable validation in tags that support input validation (like CFINPUT and CFTEXTINPUT) using the VALIDATE attribute.
5 You can also use hidden fields in HTML forms to require user entries and to validate several common data types.

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