Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 9 99

Foil 12 Universal Shared Object Strategy

From Distance Education: How to do it DoD HPC Modernization Users Group Tutorial Monterey California, ACM Java Grande San Francisco, EDMEDIA Seattle -- June 7 99, June 14 99, June 20 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Assume teachers, students, engineers, shoppers, salespersons, families teach, learn, collaborate, buy, sell, socialize via electronic versions of traditional human interactions combined with shared objects expressed in XML and rendered as web pages
  • Most sharing is asynchronous and one usually wishes to share synchronously same material that one accesses asynchronously
  • objects can be (electronic) text books, aircraft designs and simulations, expensive jewelry or photos of grandchildren
2 Only shared event model (used in Tango) of sharing (collaboration) is capable of necessary efficiency and customization to each user

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