Basic IMAGE version of Foils prepared October 10 99

Foil 58 Each Collaborating Client Receives Events

From Collaborative Portals for Distributed and Distance Learning NCSA Industrial Partners Meeting -- October 12-13 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox
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Table of Contents for Collaborative Portals for Distributed and Distance Learning

1 Collaborative Portals for Distributed and Distance Learning
2 Overview of Training Portals
3 Portals in Education and Training
4 3-Tier Architecture for Education Portal
5 Basic Multi Tier architecture
6 Internetics and Computational Science Curriculum
7 Conventional Computational Science
8 Information Track of Computational Science
9 Information Track of Computational Science
10 Detailed Course Contents
11 What is Internetics ?
12 Internetics and Computational Science
13 Synergy of Parallel Computing and The Grid Internetics as Unifying Principle
14 Sample 1999 Java Academy Certificate
15 Collaborative Portals for Distributed and Distance Learning Standards and Pragmatic XML
16 Standards and XML I
17 Standards and XML II
18 XML and Other Object Models
19 A Custom Java Applet for Quizzes(6 problems)
20 Part of XML definining quiz
21 Fragment of NPAC Education XML DTD
22 Re-usable Education Object Strategy
23 Collaborative Portals for Distributed and Distance Learning Education Portals
24 Major Commercial Education Portal Technology I
25 Major Commercial Education Portal Technology II
26 Some General Objects of Importance to Education
27 (Education) Portal Building Model
28 General Object Descriptors of Interest to Education II
29 WebWisdomDB Curriculum System
30 Manager Function of WebWisdomDB
31 Access WebWisdomDB Curricula Database I
32 Access WebWisdomDB Curricula Database II
33 General Object Descriptors of Interest to Education III
34 Education Specific Objects
35 Some Important Education Services/Tools
36 Collaborative Portals for Distributed and Distance Learning Synchronous Web Based Education
37 Why use Distance Education and Training?
38 Traditional Model of Instruction
39 Better Model of Instruction
40 Role of Collaborative Objects in Education
41 Universal Shared Object Strategy
42 Collaborative Portals for Distributed and Distance Learning Collaborative Technology Today
43 What is Web-based Collaboration?
44 Simplest Shared Object is Client Side Java Applet
45 Architecture of Tango Distance Education
46 Courses at Jackson State
47 So putting these ideas together for Distance Education
48 Shared Simulations -- Fluid Flow and Planetary Motion
49 Applications of Web-based Collaboration
50 More General Shared server side Objects
51 Sharing Server Side Objects II
52 Shared Event Model of Collaboration?
53 So what do we have now--TangoInteractive
54 TangoInteractive System Architecture
55 Collaborative Portals for Distributed and Distance Learning Collaboration with XML Tomorrow
56 Next Generation TangoInteractive
57 Collaboration Framework
58 Each Collaborating Client Receives Events
59 Shared Portal on the Web
60 A Collection of Shared Place Components
61 SPDL Example: Declare Shared Portal Objects
62 Another Example of SPDL: Define User Roles
63 XML Collaborative Web page Architecture
64 Applications of Shared XML Content Pages
65 XML and Universal Access I
66 XML and Universal Access II
Click outside pointer rectangle to move pointer
Click on Pointer to Hide
Click on Pointer + ALT to toggle message hiding
Click on Pointer + CNTL to abolish pointer
Click on Pointer + Shift to cycle families
Click outside + Alt is Change Image
Click outside + Control is Double Size
Click outside + Shift is Halve Size
Right Mouse Down on Pointer Toggles Index
Shift Right Mouse aligns top with scrolled Page
While With Mouse Down on Current Pointer
h hides This Message while m restores
i Toggles Index Aligned with Page Top
j Toggles Index Aligned with Scrolled View Top
a Abolishes Pointer while CNTL-Click restores
f cycles through pointer families
c cycles through members of a family
u increases Size Up and d decreases Down
Mouse Up-Down between changes of
Pointer to process new option