Table of Contents
The Document Object Model Universal Access Other Objects CORBA XML Jini JavaScript etc.
Abstract of An Introduction to the Document Object Model and Related Issues
Some Relevant HTML XML JavaScript DOM References
Topics Covered in Lecture
Simplistic Object Web View
Other Useful Objects
Basic Multi Tier Object architecture
Topics Covered in Lecture
HTML 4.0
Logical versus Visual Design
What is XML?
XML Compared with HTML and SGML
XML Language Elements
Example XML as a Serialized Database
MathML Example
Topics Covered in Lecture
Why would you use JavaScript I?
Why would you use JavaScript II?
Why would you use JavaScript III?
Why would you use JavaScript IV?
JavaScript Performance Issues
Topics Covered in Lecture
What is DHTML?
Features of DHTML
Architecture of DHTML + XML
Components of DHTML
Cascading Style Sheets
Cascading Style Sheets CSS1 (and CSS2) Features
A Larger CSS Example illustrating different ways one can specify CSS Info
Topics Covered in Lecture
Document Object Model
Hierarchical Object Components in a Web Page
Netscape Version 4 Browser Document Object Tag Hierarchy
Use of Position Attributes in JavaScript
DHTML 1) Define Layers -- I
DHTML 1) Define Layers -- II
Define a Layer in a Document using <div></div>
Set Positions of a Layer in DHTML
Capturing Events in Today's DHTML
A User Event Handler in DHTML
XML and Document Object Model
W3C Document Object Model Level 1
Topics Covered in Lecture
An Overview of Jini
Jini Service Architecture I
Jini Service Architecture II: Join
Jini Service Architecture III: Lookup
Jini Service Architecture IV: Invocation
Features of Jini of Relevance
Topics Covered in Lecture
XML used as a Template
Architecture of WebWisdomDB
XML Templates -- Example I
XML Templates -- Example II
Topics Covered in Lecture
Front End to LMS 3 Tier Land Management System
WebFlow + High Performance Backend 3 Tier Functional Architecture
CORBA security is built into ORB
Security Model in CORBA
CORBA ORB Using Akenti
Summary of NPAC's JWORB natural Building Block of the POW
DoD Modernization Gateway Project
Gateway Schematic
Gateway Client
Topics Covered in Lecture
Architecture of Tango Distance Education
How are Objects Used Collaboratively?
What is Universal Acccess / Cross Disability Rendering?
Naďve Shared Object Strategy
If you believe these assertions
What Objects should we look at first and what services do we need?
What's wrong with Java Clients?
What about databases and Lotus Notes
What is Involved in Sharing Web Pages?
JavaScript Shared Browser with Dynamic HTML
Shared Form Illustrated by Shared Access to NCSA Biology Workbench showing how general server objects can be shared from web interface