Class Group


public class Group
extends java.lang.Object

Field Summary
protected static int EMPTY
protected  long handle
Constructor Summary
protected Group(int Type)
protected Group(long _handle)
Method Summary
static int Compare(Group group1, Group group2)
          Compare two groups.
static Group Difference(Group group1, Group group2)
          Result contains all elements of the first group that are not in the second group.
 Group Excl(int[] ranks)
          Create a subset group excluding specified processes.
 void finalize()
 Group Incl(int[] ranks)
          Create a subset group including specified processes.
static Group Intersection(Group group1, Group group2)
          Set intersection of two groups.
 Group Range_excl(int[][] ranges)
          Create a subset group excluding processes specified by strided intervals of ranks.
 Group Range_incl(int[][] ranges)
          Create a subset group including processes specified by strided intervals of ranks.
 int Rank()
          Rank of this process in group.
 int Size()
          Size of group.
static int[] Translate_ranks(Group group1, int[] ranks1, Group group2)
          Translate ranks within one group to ranks within another.
static Group Union(Group group1, Group group2)
          Set union of two groups.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int EMPTY


protected long handle
Constructor Detail


protected Group(int Type)


protected Group(long _handle)
Method Detail


public int Size()
         throws MPIException
Size of group.

returns: number of processors in the group

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_SIZE.


public int Rank()
         throws MPIException
Rank of this process in group.

returns: rank of the calling process in the group

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_RANK. Result value is MPI.UNDEFINED if this process is not a member of the group.


public void finalize()

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_FREE.

finalize in class java.lang.Object


public static int[] Translate_ranks(Group group1,
                                    int[] ranks1,
                                    Group group2)
                             throws MPIException
Translate ranks within one group to ranks within another.

group1 a group
ranks1 array of valid ranks in group1
group2 another group
returns: array of corresponding ranks in group2

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_TRANSLATE_RANKS.

Result elements are MPI.UNDEFINED where no correspondence exists.


public static int Compare(Group group1,
                          Group group2)
                   throws MPIException
Compare two groups.

group1 first group
group2 second group
returns: result

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_COMPARE.

MPI.IDENT results if the group members and group order are exactly the same in both groups. MPI.SIMILAR results if the group members are the same but the order is different. MPI.UNEQUAL results otherwise.


public static Group Union(Group group1,
                          Group group2)
                   throws MPIException
Set union of two groups.

group1 first group
group2 second group
returns: union group

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_UNION.


public static Group Intersection(Group group1,
                                 Group group2)
                          throws MPIException
Set intersection of two groups.

group1 first group
group2 second group
returns: intersection group

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_INTERSECTION.


public static Group Difference(Group group1,
                               Group group2)
                        throws MPIException
Result contains all elements of the first group that are not in the second group.

group1 first group
group2 second group
returns: difference group

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_DIFFERENCE.


public Group Incl(int[] ranks)
           throws MPIException
Create a subset group including specified processes.

ranks ranks from this group to appear in new group
returns: new group

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_INCL.


public Group Excl(int[] ranks)
           throws MPIException
Create a subset group excluding specified processes.

ranks ranks from this group not to appear in new group
returns: new group

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_EXCL.


public Group Range_incl(int[][] ranges)
                 throws MPIException
Create a subset group including processes specified by strided intervals of ranks.

ranges array of integer triplets
returns: new group

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_RANGE_INCL.

The triplets are of the form (first rank, last rank, stride) indicating ranks in this group to be included in the new group. The size of the first dimension of ranges is the number of triplets. The size of the second dimension is 3.


public Group Range_excl(int[][] ranges)
                 throws MPIException
Create a subset group excluding processes specified by strided intervals of ranks.

ranges array of integer triplets
returns: new group

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GROUP_RANGE_EXCL.

Triplet array is defined as for Range_incl, the ranges indicating ranks in this group to be excluded from the new group.