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- 1
Ken Arnold, Bryan O'Sullivan, Robert W. Scheifler, Jim Waldo, and Ann Wollrath.
The Jini Specification.
Addison Wesley, 1999.
- 2
Mark Baker, Bryan Carpenter, Geoffrey Fox, Sung Hoon Ko, and Xinying Li.
mpiJava: A Java interface to MPI.
In First UK Workshop on Java for High Performance Network
Computing, Europar '98, September 1998.
- 3
Bryan Carpenter, Vladimir Getov, Glenn Judd, Tony Skjellum, and Geoffrey Fox.
MPI for Java: Position document and draft API specification.
Technical Report JGF-TR-3, Java Grande Forum, November 1998.
- 4
Chi-Chao Chang and Thorsten von Eiken.
Interfacing Java to the Virtual Interface Architecture.
In ACM 1999 Java Grande Conference. ACM Press, June 1999.
- 5
George Crawford III, Yoginder Dandass, and Anthony Skjellum.
The JMPI commercial message passing environment and specification:
Requirements, design, motivations, strategies, and target users.
- 6
Kivanc Dincer.
jmpi and a performance instrumentation analysis and visualization
tool for jmpi.
In First UK Workshop on Java for High Performance Network
Computing, Europar '98, September 1998.
- 7
W. Keith Edwards.
Core Jini.
Prentice Hall, 1999.
- 8
Glenn Judd, Mark Clement, and Quinn Snell.
DOGMA: Distributed object group management architecture.
In ACM 1998 Workshop on Java for High-Performance Network
Computing. Palo Alto, February 1998, volume 10(11-13) of Concurrency:
Practice and Experience, 1998.
- 9
Message Passing Interface Forum.
MPI: A Message-Passing Interface Standard.
University of Tenessee, Knoxville, TN, June 1995.
- 10
MPICH--a portable implementation of MPI.
- 11
Jim Waldo, Geoff Wyant, Ann Wollrath, and Sam Kendall.
A note on distributed computing.
Technical Report SMLI TR-94-29, Sun Microsystems Laboratories, 1994.
Reprinted in [1].
- 12
Matt Welsh.
Using Java to make servers scream.
Invited talk at ACM 1999 Java Grande Conference, San Francisco, CA,
June, 1999.
Bryan Carpenter
Tue Nov 23 10:50:26 EST 1999