System security must first be set to allow network connections to any host. DOGMA includes .java.policy files that do this in the nodeRun directories. You may need to copy this file to your user home directory if you will be using rsh or a similar command to remotely launch nodes.
JDK 1.1.x: First you must view an applet (just to bring up appletviewer) and edit properties to allow network connections to any host.
JDK 1.2: Use policytool and add a permission entry for CODEBASE <all> (this is the default if you do not enter a URL). The permission to add is SocketPermission, with the target * and the actions accept, connect, listen, resolve.
Now assuming the configuration manager is started on the master node,
type: appletviewer
Note that DOGMA comes with several applications already compiled.
Running precompiled examples residing at BYU:
On the System Console go to the "Resource Definition Stores" tab and select the "IBM MPI Test Suite" resource link. Then click on "Load From Link". This should bring up a new resource defition store window which contains the test suite. You may run the tests by selecting the appropriate test and clicking submit.
Running locally compiled examples:
First compile the applications by going to the DMaster/examples/ibmsuite and type makeall.
Now start DOGMA and load the resource definition file for the IBM Test Suite examples. This is done by going to the ResourceDefinitionStores tab and then clicking on "Load From File" button. Next select the file IbmSuite.txt which should be in the DMaster/run directory.
This should bring up a window which allows you to run any of the tests you wish. Note that you must have enough nodes running for each test to run (2 nodes is usually the required number of nodes).
DOGMA can redirect stdout and stderr from nodes to the SysCon. Screen-saver and browser based nodes, however, do not have stdout and stderr redirected. For this reason, the use of System.out is discouraged in DOGMA applications. Instead, MPIApplication.out and <PENDING> should be used. (So applications may simply use out.println() instead of System.out.println().)
Also, development should rarely take place on screen-saver or browser
based nodes. This is for two reasons: 1) the class unloading limitation
of the JVM means that nodes must be restarted every time application code
is revised, and starting these nodes is usually less convenient than starting
regular nodes. 2) stdout and stderr are not redirected for these
nodes (due to security limitations) unless are using JDK 1.2 and relax
security. Note that the "out" member of both MPIApplication and <PENDING>
redirect output, but Exception.printStackTrace() and its relatives will
not on browser-based nodes.