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Viewing Coverage Information

You can view coverage information in three areas:

A method is designated "covered" if Jtest automatically tests any part of the constructor.

Jtest performs data coverage for the generated input categories; this means that the parts of the class that have been covered are thoroughly tested with respect to those inputs.

The coverage reported is relative to the classes that have been accessed for the paths Jtest has tried. If some part of the class is not covered, it means that Jtest has not yet found a path leading to those statements or no path leads to those statements.

In class testing mode, Jtest usually covers approximately 50% of a class's code. Sometimes Jtest will be able to test 100% of the class, and sometimes it will test less than 50% of the class.

Generating Coverage Information For Every Class the Original Class Accesses

To have Jtest generate coverage information for every class that the original class accesses, choose Preferences> Configuration Options> Report file> Show All Classes Accessed. The next report opened will include coverage information for all classes accessed by the original class under test.

Determining What Lines Were Not Covered

To determine what lines were not covered, view the single class test report file. Any lines that have a ">" in front of them were not tested.

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