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Global Test Parameters - Static Analysis

Static Analysis

Contains parameters that control static analysis.

Perform Static Analysis

Flag that controls whether or not static analysis is performed when a class is tested.

Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.


Contains rules that can be applied when Jtest performs static analysis.

Severity Levels Enabled

Contains severity level flags. Each rule has a severity level associated with it. A rule is enforced only if both the rule and its severity level are enabled. This branch controls which severity levels are enabled.

To enable all severity level, right-click this node, then choose Enable All from the shortcut menu.

To view the number of active rules, right-click this node, then choose Show Number Active Rules from the shortcut menu.

Level 1-5

Flags that control whether or not the rules of a particular severity level are applied.

Built-in Rules

Contains built-in rules shipped with Jtest. A specific rule can be enabled or disabled using the flag associated with that rule. A rule is enforced only if both the rule and its severity level are enabled.

Possible Bugs

Contains rules that check for possible bugs in the code (i.e., the code compiles, but the programmer made some typos while entering the code).

Object-Oriented Programming

Contains rules that enforce good Object-Oriented Programming practices.

Unused Code

Contains rules that check for unused code.


Contains rules that enforce the explicit initialization of the variables.

Coding Standards

Contains rules that enforce good programming practices.

Naming Conventions

Contains rules that enforce common naming conventions.

Javadoc Comments

Contains rules related to Javadoc comments.


Contains rules related to portability.


Contains rules that check for non-optimal constructs.

Garbage Collection

Contains rules related to garbage collection.

Threads and Synchronization

Contains rules related to threads and synchronization.

Enterprise JavaBeans

Contains rules related to Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB).

Class Metrics

Contains rules that measure class and method metrics. Lets you modify upper and lower thresholds for each metric (for information on modifying thresholds, see Customizing Class Metrics.

Project Metrics

Contains rules that measure project and average class metrics.


Contains miscellaneous rules.

Design by Contract

Contains rules that enforce proper Design by Contract contract formation.


Contains rules that facilitate code internationalization.


Contains rules related to security.


Contains rules related to servlets.

Global Static Analysis

Contains rules that perform global static analysis.

Note: These rules are only checked when you test a project in the Project Testing UI.

User Defined Rules

Contains user defined rules that were created in RuleWizard. Specific rules can be enabled or disabled using the flag associated with each particular rule (listed by category). A rule is enforced only if both the rule and its severity level are enabled.

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