Global Test Parameters - Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
Contains parameters that control dynamic analysis.
Perform Dynamic Analysis
Flag that controls whether or not dynamic analysis is performed every time a class is tested.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Test Case Generation
Contains parameters that control test case generation.
Contains parameters that control the generation of automatic test cases.
Test calling sequences up to length
By default, Jtest tests each method by calling it independently and generating arguments to it. That is, Jtest basically tries calling sequences of length 1.
This option can be used to tell Jtest to try calling sequences longer than 1. If a calling sequence of length N is specified, Jtest will first try all calling sequences of length 1, then all calling sequences of length 2, and so on.
Note: Jtest will attempt to show errors with the shortest calling sequences that can cause the errors. Most errors should have a calling sequences of length 1 or 2.
Test Methods
Contains flags that control which methods can be called directly in the calling sequence generated by Jtest
Jtest will only directly call the methods whose accessibility is selected here.
Note that the methods that are not called directly are still tested indirectly, through calls to the methods that are called directly.
Flag that controls if Jtest tests all of the class's public methods.
Flag that controls if Jtest tests all of the class's protected methods.
package-private of package-private classes
Flag that controls if Jtest tests all package-private methods in package-private classes.
A package-private method is a method without any accessibility qualifier (e.g., public, protected, or private). package-private methods are only accessible by classes within the same package as the method.
A package-private class is a class without the "public" accessibility qualifier. package-private classes are only accessible by other classes within the same package as the method.
package-private of public classes
Flag that controls if Jtest tests all package-private methods in public classes.
A package-private method is a method without any accessibility qualifier (e.g., public, protected, or private). package-private classes are only accessible by classes within the same package as the method.
Flag that controls if private methods are called directly.
Contains parameters shared by both automatic and user-defined test case generation.
Static Global Initialization
The code associated with this node (as well as the code associated with the Static Project Initialization and Static Class Initialization nodes) is executed before any test case is executed, and can be used to setup and initialize the class if needed. You can invoke only static methods from these initialization nodes. See Setting an Object to a Certain State for more information.
Inputs Repository
Stores input values that can later be added to a method argument node.
Note: This feature is deprecated. For more information about defining inputs for test cases, see Adding Method Inputs.
Test Case Execution
Contains parameters that control test case execution.
Execute Automatic
Flag that controls whether or not automatic test cases are executed every time a class is tested.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Execute User Defined
Flag that controls whether or not user-defined test cases are executed every time a class is tested.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Contains stub-related options.
For more information on stubs, see Testing Classes That Reference External Resources and Using Custom Stubs.
Options for Automatic Test Cases
Contains options that let you control what type of stubs are used while running the automatically-generated test cases. You can choose Use Automatic Stubs, Use User Defined Stubs, or neither. Jtest will call the actual external method if neither of these stub types are selected, or if Use User Defined Stubs is selected, but no stubs are defined for a particular method reference.
Use Automatic Stubs (white-box stubs)
If selected, Jtest will automatically generate stubs for external resources while running the automatically-generated test cases. For more information on Automatic Stubs, see Testing Classes That Reference External Resources.
Use User Defined Stubs
If selected, Jtest will use user-defined stubs when the class under test references external resources. For more information on User Defined Stubs, see Testing Classes That Reference External Resources and Using Custom Stubs.
Options for User Defined Test Cases
Contains options that let you control what type of stubs are used while running the user defined test cases. You can choose Use User Defined Stubs, or you can leave this option unselected. Jtest will call the actual method if this option is not selected, or if this option is selected, but no user defined stubs are defined for a particular method reference.
Use User Defined Stubs
If selected, Jtest will use user-defined stubs when the class under test references external resources. For more information on User Defined Stubs, see Testing Classes That Reference External Resources and Using Custom Stubs.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
"Tested Set" Includes
Defines the "Tested Set": the set of classes and methods included in the current test. When a class or method in the Tested Set references a class or method that is inside that Tested Set, the actual class or method is accessed. When a class or method in the Tested Set references a class or method that is outside that Tested Set, stubs are called.
For more information about Tested Set, see Defining Which Classes are "External".
Pre-filtering Suppression Categories
Contains suppression categories that can be applied when the test cases are executed.
Exceptions in Throws Clause
If selected, Jtest will not report exceptions occurring in methods that are declared with the exception's type in the throws clause of the method.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Direct IllegalArgumentExceptions
If selected, Jtest will not report IllegalArgumentExceptions that are thrown directly by a throw statement.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Explicitly Thrown Exceptions
If selected, Jtest will not report exceptions that are explicitly thrown by user code with a throw statement.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Exceptions Caught By Empty Catch
If selected, Jtest will not report exceptions caught by an empty catch block.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Direct NullPointerExceptions
If selected, Jtest will not report exceptions that can occur because a null object is passed to a method which subsequently dereferences the object, thus causing the NullPointerException.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Automatically Instrument "Design by Contract" Comments
Determines whether or not Jtest automatically instruments Design by Contract comments as classes are loaded into Jtest.
If you want Jtest to use the information in a class's "Design by Contract" javadoc comments (e.g., to automatically create test cases that verify functionality, or to use these comments to suppress certain exceptions), it is necessary to instrument these comments.
If you never use Design by Contract comments, you can prevent Jtest from instrumenting classes by disabling this option.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Test Case Evaluation
Contains parameters that control test case evaluation.
Report Uncaught Runtime Exceptions
Flag that controls whether or not Jtest reports uncaught runtime exceptions that occur in the tested class.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Perform Automatic Regression Testing
Flag that controls whether or not Jtest performs Automatic Regression Testing for the tested class.
Note: This flag appears in all parameter levels.
Suppressions Table
Double-clicking this leaf invokes the dynamic analysis Suppression Table which lets you suppress dynamic analysis violations.