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Global Test Parameters - Common Parameters

Common Parameters

Contains parameters shared by both static and dynamic analysis.


Contains parameters related to directories.

Working Directory

Determines the directory that is used as the current working directory when testing a class.

This directory will be used as "." on the CLASSPATH.

This parameter appears in most parameter levels (Global, Project, and Class). When testing a class, Jtest uses the value in the Class Test Parameters. If this parameter is not set, the value of the current parent parameter is used.

The following tokens are treated specially:

    • $PARENT: This token is replaced by the parent parameter value.
    • $PARAMS_DIR: This token is replaced by the directory that includes the parameters directory.
    • $INSTALL_DIR: This token is replaced by the Jtest installation directory.
    • $NAME: This token is replaced by the value of the environment variable NAME.

The actual value that will be used is shown in parentheses.


Determines where the test results will be stored.

The following tokens are treated specially:

    • $DEFAULT: In project tests, this token is replaced by a path relative to the location of the project test parameters (.ptp) file. This token only applies to project tests.
    • $PARENT: This token is replaced by the parent parameter value.
    • $PARAMS_DIR: This token is replaced by the directory that includes the parameters directory.
    • $INSTALL_DIR: This token is replaced by the Jtest installation directory.
    • $NAME: This token is replaced by the value of the environment variable NAME.

The actual value that will be used is shown in parentheses.

javac/javac-like Parameters

Contains parameters equivalent to parameters used in java or javac.


Overrides the CLASSPATH environment variable with the list of entries specified here (an entry is a directory, zip file, or jar file).

This option is equivalent to the java interpreter's -classpath flag.

This parameter appears in most parameter levels (Global, Project, and Class). When testing a class, Jtest uses the value in the Class Test Parameters. If this parameter is not set, the value of the current parent parameter is used.

The following tokens are treated specially:

    • $PARENT: This token is replaced by the parent parameter value.
    • $PARAMS_DIR: This token is replaced by the directory that includes the parameters directory.
    • $INSTALL_DIR: This token is replaced by the Jtest installation directory.
    • $NAME: This token is replaced by the value of the environment variable NAME.

The actual value that will be used is shown in parentheses.


Prepends the CLASSPATH environment variable with the list of entries specified here (an entry is a directory, zip file, or jar file).

This option is equivalent to the JRE's -cp flag.

The token $PARENT receives special treatment and is replaced by the parent parameter value.

This parameter appears in most parameter levels (Global, Project, and Class). When testing a class, Jtest uses the value in the Class Test Parameters. If this parameter is not set, the value of the current parent parameter is used.

The following tokens are treated specially:

    • $PARENT: This token is replaced by the parent parameter value.
    • $PARAMS_DIR: This token is replaced by the directory that includes the parameters directory.
    • $INSTALL_DIR: This token is replaced by the Jtest installation directory.
    • $NAME: This token is replaced by the value of the environment variable NAME.

The actual value that will be used is shown in parentheses.

System Properties

Defines system properties. This parameter is equivalent to the -D flag of the Java interpreter and is used to define properties for the class being tested.

System properties are defined by naming the property and assigning a value to the property. Use a space to separate properties if multiple properties are defined.

Example: property.one=On PROPERTY_TWO=d:/temp

This parameter appears in most parameter levels (Global, Project, and Class). When testing a class, Jtest uses the value in the Class Test Parameters. If this parameter is not set, the value of the current parent parameter is used.

The following tokens are treated specially:

    • $PARENT: This token is replaced by the parent parameter value.
    • $PARAMS_DIR: This token is replaced by the directory that includes the parameters directory.
    • $INSTALL_DIR: This token is replaced by the Jtest installation directory.
    • $NAME: This token is replaced by the value of the environment variable NAME.

The actual value that will be used is shown in parentheses.


Overrides location of bootstrap class files.

If Class is a Test Class

Determines how Jtest behaves when the class under test is a Test Class.

Run the tests defined in the Class

If selected, Jtest runs the tests defined in the Test Class and Jtest will not test the Test Class itself (Jtest will not perform static analysis on the class or create test cases for it). If you select this option, you cannot select the Test the Test Class itself option.

Test the Test Class itself

If selected, Jtest tests the Test Class as it would test any other class. Jtest will test perform static analysis on the class and create test cases for it). If you select this option, you cannot select the Run the tests defined in the Class option.

Source Path

Determines where Jtest looks for the source of a class.

Path to JDK Directory

Specifies the path to the JDK installation directory. Jtest only uses this JDK installation to compile classes; it runs classes with the JRE that is shipped with Jtest.

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