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Integrating JBuilder and Jtest

Jtest integrates into Inprise's JBuilder 4 and 5.

After you integrate Jtest into JBuilder, you will be able to test your files with Jtest from within the JBuilder IDE.

To integrate Jtest into JBuilder:

  1. If you have not already done so, install both Jtest and JBuilder.
  2. If you have not already done so, start Jtest and close JBuilder.
  3. Choose Tools> IDE Integration> Inprise JBuilder> <jbuilder_version_number> in either of Jtest's UIs.

Jtest will then open a dialog box that displays the JBuilder installation directory it detected. If this is not the correct directory, change the directory by entering the correct directory or by browsing to it.

Next, Jtest will place the correct files in the JBuilder IDE's Tools directory, and you will be ready to use Jtest within JBuilder.

For details on using Jtest within JBuilder, see Using Jtest Within JBuilder.

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