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Using Jtest Within JBuilder

After you have integrated Jtest into JBuilder as described in Integrating JBuilder and Jtest, you can use Jtest within the JBuilder IDE to test a single class or a project.

Note: When you use Jtest from within JBuilder, results are saved in <jtest_install_dir>/u/<username>/JB.

Testing a Single Class Within a Project

  1. In the JBuilder IDE, ensure that the class that you want to test is active.
  2. Choose Tools> Jtest> Test Active Class. This will load the active JBuilder class in Jtest's Class Testing UI.
  3. To start testing, click Start in Jtest's Class Testing UI.

Testing a Project

  1. In the JBuilder IDE, ensure that the class that you want to test is active.
  2. Choose Tools> Jtest> Test Active Project. This will load the active JBuilder project in Jtest's Project Testing UI.
  3. To start testing, click Start in Jtest's Project Testing UI.

Editing Source Code in JBuilder

If you have integrated JBuilder into Jtest and you choose to edit your source code from Jtest, Jtest will open up the source code in JBuilder. If you choose to edit the source code related to a specific error message (for example, by right-clicking a static analysis violation message with a specific line reference, then choosing Edit Source), the referenced line of source code will be highlighted in JBuilder.

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