Saving and Restoring Tests Parameters
Saving Parameters
If you save test parameters, you will be able to instantly restore the precise testing circumstances that you used for a previous test. This lets you accurately repeat a test to see if modifications caused class behavior to change and/or introduced errors (i.e., it lets you perform regression testing).
Whenever Jtest tests a class, it automatically saves the class test parameters in the file whose name is shown in the status bar. Whenever Jtest tests a set of classes, it automatically saves project test parameters for the project as a whole, as well as class test parameters for each class contained in the project.
You can also save parameters under a different name by choosing Save As from the File menu in the appropriate UI. (Use the Project Testing UI to save project test parameters, and the Class Testing UI to save class test parameters).
Restoring Test Parameters
To restore parameters from a previous test (for example, to perform regression testing), simply choose File> Open from the appropriate UI (Use the Class Testing UI to restore class test parameters; use the Project Testing UI to restore project test parameters). In the file chooser that opens, select the .ctp (for class test parameters) or .ptp (for project test parameters) file that you want to restore, then Jtest will open the specified test parameters.
You can also open recent parameters by choosing File> Open Recent> [File Name].