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Windows Installation and Setup


  • Windows NT Service Pack 6 or Windows 2000
  • JDK 1.2 or higher


To install Jtest:

  1. Run the setup executable that you downloaded from the ParaSoft Web site or that is on your CD.
  2. Follow the installation program's onscreen directions. The installation program will automatically install Jtest on your system.


To launch Jtest, double-click the Jtest desktop icon.

A Jtest license must be installed before you can begin using Jtest.

Installing a License

To install a machine-locked Jtest license on your machine:

  1. Launch Jtest as described above. The Class Testing UI and the License window will open.

  1. Call 1-888-305-0041 to get your license.
  2. In the License window, enter your expiration date and password.
  3. Click Set to set and save your license.

To install a network license and have ParaSoft's LicenseServer manage license access across your local area network:

  1. Launch Jtest as described above. The Class Testing UI and the License window will open.

  1. In the License window, check the Use License Server option. The License window will then change.

  2. Enter your LicenseServer host in the License Server Host field.
  3. Enter your LicenseServer port in the License Server Port field (the default port is 2002).
  4. Click Set to set and save your LicenseServer information.
  5. Call 1-888-305-0041 to get your license.
  6. Add your license to the LicenseServer as described in the LicenseServer documentation.

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