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Viewing Class and Project Metrics

Jtest automatically measures metrics when it performs static analysis. If any of your metrics are out of the suggested or customized "legal" bounds, Jtest will report a static analysis violation for each out-of-bound metric.

Jtest also offers a summary of all class and project metrics. You can view this summary by clicking the Metrics tool bar button. The Class Testing UI's metrics window will contain metrics for the class; the Project Testing UI's metrics window will contain both project metrics (metrics about aspects of the project) and class metrics averages (the average class metrics of all of the tested classes).

To view class metrics for a class tested as part of a project, right-click that class's node in the Project Testing UI's Results panel, then choose View Class Metrics from the shortcut menu.

To print your metrics, control-right-click the unused area of the Metrics window, then choose Print from the shortcut menu.

To view a full description of a project or class metric, right-click the metric that you want to learn more about, then choose View Rule Description from the shortcut menu that opens.

Jtest can also graph how your project metrics change over time. For information on graphing metrics, see Tracking Metrics Over Time.

Related Topics

About Static Analysis

Performing Static Analysis

Creating Your Own Static Analysis Rules

Tracking Metrics Over Time

Customizing Static Analysis

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