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Tracking Metrics Over Time

Jtest saves your project metrics for each test and can graph how each metric changes over time. You can graph the following metrics:

  • Number of bytes: Total number of bytes of all class files in the project.
  • Number of classes: Total number of classes in the project.
  • Number of Java source files: Total number of Java source files in the project.
  • Number of lines: Total number of lines in the project's classes.
  • Number of packages: Total number of packages in the project.
  • Number of package-private classes: Total number of package-private classes in the project.
  • Number of private classes: Total number of private classes in the project.
  • Number of protected classes: Total number of "protected" classes in the project.
  • Number of public classes: Total number of "public" classes in the project.

To track metric information for a specific project:

  1. Open the Test History window by clicking the History button in the Project Testing UI.
  2. Right-click the History for Test node, then choose Draw Metrics Graph> <Desired Type of Graph> from the shortcut menu.

Jtest will then create a graph that displays the specified metrics. The graph's X axis contains date information and it's Y axis contain count information. For example, the Number of Lines Graph contains dates on the X axis and the numbers of lines on the Y axis.

Related Topics

About Static Analysis

Creating Your Own Static Analysis Rules

Viewing Class and Project Metrics

Tracking Metrics Over Time

Customizing Static Analysis

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