[all packages] [package pizza.compiler] [class hierarchy] [index]

public class pizza.compiler.Main

(source file: pizza/compiler/Main.pizza)

The pure class interface.
public class Main
The Pizza Compiler access class.

Copyright (C) 1996,97 Martin Odersky. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to modify and use this software for research and teaching purposes. Modification for commercial purposes requires prior written permission by the author. The software, or modifications thereof, may be redistributed only if this copyright notice stays attached.

Constuctor Index

O Main()


O argument(String)
Sets compiler switches via the command line parameters
O compile(String[])
Compiles the given sourcefiles to classfiles. Make sure init() is called once before
O date()
Returns the release date of this compiler version as a String.
O errorCount()
Returns the count of compilation errors.
O init()
Makes global initializations that have to be set before a compilation.
O main(String[])
The commandline main method
O setClassPath(String)
Sets the classpath.
O setDestinationDir(String)
Sets the output directory.
O version()
Returns the version information as a String.


O Main
public Main();


O main
public static void main(String[] argv)
  throws Throwable;
The commandline main method. On Windows systems the parameters are transformed.

O setDestinationDir

public static void setDestinationDir(String dir);
Sets the output directory.

O setClassPath

public static void setClassPath(String dir);
Sets the classpath.

O argument

public static boolean argument(String arg);
Sets compiler switches via the command line parameters. Does NOT do multiple word parameters (-classpath, -d) and version printout (-version).

true if the argument is recognized

O init

public static void init();
Makes global initializations that have to be set before a compilation.

See also:

O compile

public static void compile(String[] filenames);
Compiles the given sourcefiles to classfiles. Make sure init() is called once before. To compile pizza code the pizza flag has to be set (argument("-pizza").

See also:

O errorCount

public static int errorCount();
Returns the count of compilation errors.

O version

public static String version();
Returns the version information as a String.

O date

public static String date();
Returns the release date of this compiler version as a String.

[all packages] [package pizza.compiler] [class hierarchy] [index]