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public class pizza.contrib.MultiTree<A>

(source file: pizza/contrib/MultiTree.pizza)

The pure class interface.
public class MultiTree<A>
Tree with multiple childs. Each branch stores a value and can have several subbranches.

See also:
MultiTree, SortedVector

Constuctor Index

O MultiTree(A)
Creates a root with a content.
O MultiTree()
Creates an empty root.


O childAt(int)
Returns the subbranch at position i.
O children()
Returns the number of subbranches.
O getContent()
Returns the content of a branch.
O insert(A)
Inserts a new branch with a content to this branch and returns the new branch object.
O print(PrintStream, String)
Prints the tree to the stream p and indents the elements of subbranches with
O setContent(A)
Sets a new content for this branch.


O MultiTree
public MultiTree();
Creates an empty root.

O MultiTree

public MultiTree(A content);
Creates a root with a content.


O insert
public MultiTree<A> insert(A content);
Inserts a new branch with a content to this branch and returns the new branch object.

the new branch

O setContent

public void setContent(A content);
Sets a new content for this branch.

O children

public int children();
Returns the number of subbranches.

O childAt

public MultiTree<A> childAt(int i);
Returns the subbranch at position i.

O getContent

public A getContent();
Returns the content of a branch.

O print

public void print(PrintStream p,
                  String header);
Prints the tree to the stream p and indents the elements of subbranches with header

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