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public final class pizza.lang.Character

(source file: pizza/lang/Character.pizza)

The pure class interface.
public final class Character
  extends Number
  implements java.io.Serializable
A home-grown analogue of java.lang.Character, which is a subclass of java.lang.Number. Used by the Pizza compiler to convert a character to an object. Based on the code for java.lang.Integer.

Constuctor Index

O Character(char)
Constructs an Character object initialized to the specified int value.


O doubleValue()
Returns the value of this Character as a double.
O equals(Object)
Compares this object to the specified object.
O floatValue()
Returns the value of this Character as a float.
O hashCode()
Returns a hashcode for this Character.
O intValue()
Returns the value of this Character as an int.
O longValue()
Returns the value of this Character as a long.
O toString()
Returns a String object representing this Character's value.


O Character
public Character(char value);
Constructs an Character object initialized to the specified int value.

value - the initial value of the Character


O intValue
public int intValue();
Returns the value of this Character as an int.

intValue in class Number

O longValue

public long longValue();
Returns the value of this Character as a long.

longValue in class Number

O floatValue

public float floatValue();
Returns the value of this Character as a float.

floatValue in class Number

O doubleValue

public double doubleValue();
Returns the value of this Character as a double.

doubleValue in class Number

O toString

public String toString();
Returns a String object representing this Character's value.

toString in class Object

O hashCode

public int hashCode();
Returns a hashcode for this Character.

hashCode in class Object

O equals

public boolean equals(Object obj);
Compares this object to the specified object.

obj - the object to compare with
true if the objects are the same; false otherwise.
equals in class Object

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