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public interface pizza.util.Enumeration<A>

(source file: pizza/util/Enumeration.pizza)

The pure class interface.
public interface Enumeration<A>
The Enumeration interface specifies a set of methods that may be used to enumerate, or count through, a set of values. The enumeration is consumed by use; its values may only be counted once.

For example, to print all elements of a Vector v:

	for (Enumeration e = v.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {

See also:
Vector, Hashtable


O hasMoreElements()
Returns true if the enumeration contains more elements; false if its empty.
O nextElement()
Returns the next element of the enumeration


O hasMoreElements
public abstract boolean hasMoreElements();
Returns true if the enumeration contains more elements; false if its empty.

O nextElement

public abstract A nextElement();
Returns the next element of the enumeration. Calls to this method will enumerate successive elements.

NoSuchElementException -If no more elements exist.

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