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Interface java.awt.Paint
- public interface Paint
- extends Transparency
This interface defines how color patterns
can be generated for Graphics2D operations.
Paint is set in the Graphics2D and
thereafter the stroke and fill methods will use the color
pattern generated by the implementing Paint class.
Instances of classes implementing Paint must be immutable
(i.e. read-only) because the Graphics2D does not clone
these objects when they are set as an attribute with the setPaint
method or when the Graphics2D object is itself cloned.
This is to avoid undefined behavior of Graphics2D rendering
which would result if the Paint object were modified after
being set in the Graphics2D state.
- See Also:
- PaintContext, Color, GradientPaint, TexturePaint, setPaint
createContext(ColorModel, Rectangle, Rectangle2D, AffineTransform)
- Create and return a context used to generate the color pattern.
public abstract PaintContext createContext(ColorModel cm,
Rectangle deviceBounds,
Rectangle2D userBounds,
AffineTransform xform)
- Create and return a context used to generate the color pattern.
- Parameters:
- cm - ColorModel in which the caller wishes to receive the
paint data. This is used only as a hint.
- deviceBounds - The Rectangle describing the bounding box
in device space of the graphics primitive being rendered.
- userBounds - The Rectangle2D describing the bounding box in
user space of the graphics primitive being rendered.
- xform - The Transform from user space into device space.
- Returns:
- The PaintContext for generating color patterns.
- See Also:
- PaintContext
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