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Interface java.awt.PaintContext

public interface PaintContext
This interface defines the encapsulated and optimized environment for a paint operation, i.e. generating color patterns in device space for a fill or stroke operation on a Graphics2D. The PaintContext provides the necessary colors for Graphics2D operations in the form of a Raster associated with a ColorModel. The PaintContext maintains state for a particular paint operation. In a multi-threaded environment, several contexts may exist simultaneously for a single Paint object.

See Also:

Method Index

 o dispose()
Release the resources allocated for the operation.
 o getColorModel()
Return the ColorModel of the output.
 o getRaster(int, int, int, int)
Return a Tile containing the colors generated for the graphics operation.


 o dispose
public abstract void dispose()
Release the resources allocated for the operation.

 o getColorModel
public abstract ColorModel getColorModel()
Return the ColorModel of the output.

 o getRaster
public abstract Raster getRaster(int x,
                                 int y,
                                 int w,
                                 int h)
Return a Tile containing the colors generated for the graphics operation.

x,y,w,h - The area in device space for which colors are generated.

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