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Class java.awt.geom.Arc2D


public abstract class Arc2D
extends RectangularShape
An arc defined by a bounding rectangle, start angle and angular extent, and a closure type (one of OPEN, CHORD, or PIE). The bounding rectangle defines the outer boundary of the full ellipse of which this arc is a partial section. The angles are specified relative to the non-square extents of the bounding rectangle such that 45 degrees always falls on the line from the center of the ellipse to the upper right corner of the bounding rectangle. As a result, if the bounding rectangle is noticeably longer in one axis than the other, the angles to the start and end of the arc segment will be skewed farther along the longer axis of the bounds.

This class is only the abstract superclass for all objects which store a 2D arc. The actual storage representation of the coordinates is left to the subclass.

Class Index

 o Arc2D.Float
An arc specified in float precision,

Variable Index

The closure type for an arc closed by drawing a straight line segment from the start to the end of the arc segment.
The closure type for an open arc with no path segments connecting the two ends of the arc segment.
 o PIE
The closure type for an arc closed by drawing straight line segments from the start of the arc segment to the center of the full ellipse and back to the end of the arc segment.

Constructor Index

 o Arc2D(int)
Constructs a new arc of the specified closure type.

Method Index

 o contains(double, double)
Test if a given Point is inside the boundary of the shape.
 o contains(double, double, double, double)
Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given set of rectangular coordinates.
 o contains(Rectangle2D)
Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given Rectangle.
 o containsAngle(double)
Tests if a given angle is within the angular extents of the arc.
 o getAngleExtent()
Returns the arc length (angular extent) of the arc (in degrees).
 o getAngleStart()
Returns the starting angle of the arc (in degrees).
 o getArcType()
Returns the arc closure type of the arc.
 o getBounds2D()
Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.
 o getEndPoint()
Returns the ending point of the arc.
 o getPathIterator(AffineTransform)
Return an iteration object that defines the boundary of the shape.
 o getStartPoint()
Returns the starting point of the arc.
 o intersects(double, double, double, double)
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
 o makeBounds(double, double, double, double)
Construct a rectangle object of the appropriate precision to hold the parameters calculated to be the bounding box of this arc.
 o normalizeDegrees(double)
 o setAngleExtent(double)
Sets the angular extent of this arc to the specified double value (in degrees).
 o setAngles(double, double, double, double)
Sets the angular extents of this arc to the angles that the specified point coordinates define relative to the center of this arc.
 o setAngles(Point2D, Point2D)
Sets the angular extents of this arc to the angles that the specified Point objects define relative to the center of this arc.
 o setAngleStart(double)
Sets the starting angle of this arc to the specified double value (in degrees).
 o setAngleStart(Point2D)
Sets the starting angle of this arc to the angle that the specified point defines relative to the center of this arc.
 o setArc(Arc2D)
Sets this arc to be the same as the specified Arc.
 o setArc(double, double, double, double, double, double, int)
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified double values.
 o setArc(Point2D, Dimension2D, double, double, int)
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified Point and Dimension and double values.
 o setArc(Rectangle2D, double, double, int)
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified Rectangle and double values.
 o setArcByCenter(double, double, double, double, double, int)
Sets the position, bounds, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified double values based on a center point and a radius rather than a bounding box for the full ellipse.
 o setArcByTangent(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, double)
Sets the position, bounds, and angular extents of this arc so that the starting angle is tangent to the line specified by points (p1, p2) and the ending angle is tangent to the line specified by points (p2, p3) with the given radius.
 o setArcType(int)
Sets the closure type of this arc to the specified value.
 o setBounds(double, double, double, double)
Sets the location and size of the outer bounds of this shape to the specified rectangular values.
 o toDegrees(double)
 o toRadians(double)


public static final int OPEN
The closure type for an open arc with no path segments connecting the two ends of the arc segment.

public static final int CHORD
The closure type for an arc closed by drawing a straight line segment from the start to the end of the arc segment.

 o PIE
public static final int PIE
The closure type for an arc closed by drawing straight line segments from the start of the arc segment to the center of the full ellipse and back to the end of the arc segment.


 o Arc2D
protected Arc2D(int type)
Constructs a new arc of the specified closure type.


 o getAngleStart
public abstract double getAngleStart()
Returns the starting angle of the arc (in degrees).

 o getAngleExtent
public abstract double getAngleExtent()
Returns the arc length (angular extent) of the arc (in degrees).

 o getArcType
public int getArcType()
Returns the arc closure type of the arc.

See Also:
 o getStartPoint
public Point2D getStartPoint()
Returns the starting point of the arc. This point is the intersection of the ray from the center defined by the starting angle and the elliptical boundary of the arc.

 o getEndPoint
public Point2D getEndPoint()
Returns the ending point of the arc. This point is the intersection of the ray from the center defined by the starting angle plus the angular extent of the arc and the elliptical boundary of the arc.

 o setArc
public abstract void setArc(double x,
                            double y,
                            double w,
                            double h,
                            double angSt,
                            double angExt,
                            int closure)
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified double values.

 o setArc
public void setArc(Point2D loc,
                   Dimension2D size,
                   double angSt,
                   double angExt,
                   int closure)
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified Point and Dimension and double values.

 o setArc
public void setArc(Rectangle2D rect,
                   double angSt,
                   double angExt,
                   int closure)
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified Rectangle and double values.

 o setArc
public void setArc(Arc2D a)
Sets this arc to be the same as the specified Arc.

 o setArcByCenter
public void setArcByCenter(double x,
                           double y,
                           double radius,
                           double angSt,
                           double angExt,
                           int closure)
Sets the position, bounds, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified double values based on a center point and a radius rather than a bounding box for the full ellipse.

 o setArcByTangent
public void setArcByTangent(Point2D p1,
                            Point2D p2,
                            Point2D p3,
                            double radius)
Sets the position, bounds, and angular extents of this arc so that the starting angle is tangent to the line specified by points (p1, p2) and the ending angle is tangent to the line specified by points (p2, p3) with the given radius.

 o setAngleStart
public abstract void setAngleStart(double angSt)
Sets the starting angle of this arc to the specified double value (in degrees).

 o setAngleExtent
public abstract void setAngleExtent(double angExt)
Sets the angular extent of this arc to the specified double value (in degrees).

 o setAngleStart
public void setAngleStart(Point2D p)
Sets the starting angle of this arc to the angle that the specified point defines relative to the center of this arc. The angular extent of the arc will remain the same.

 o setAngles
public void setAngles(double x1,
                      double y1,
                      double x2,
                      double y2)
Sets the angular extents of this arc to the angles that the specified point coordinates define relative to the center of this arc. The arc will always be non-empty and extend counterclockwise from the first point around to the second point.

 o setAngles
public void setAngles(Point2D p1,
                      Point2D p2)
Sets the angular extents of this arc to the angles that the specified Point objects define relative to the center of this arc. The arc will always be non-empty and extend counterclockwise from the first point around to the second point.

 o setArcType
public void setArcType(int type)
Sets the closure type of this arc to the specified value.

See Also:
 o setBounds
public void setBounds(double x,
                      double y,
                      double w,
                      double h)
Sets the location and size of the outer bounds of this shape to the specified rectangular values.

setBounds in class RectangularShape
 o getBounds2D
public Rectangle2D getBounds2D()
Return the high precision bounding box of the shape.

 o makeBounds
protected abstract Rectangle2D makeBounds(double x,
                                          double y,
                                          double w,
                                          double h)
Construct a rectangle object of the appropriate precision to hold the parameters calculated to be the bounding box of this arc.

 o toDegrees
protected static double toDegrees(double angrad)
 o toRadians
protected static double toRadians(double angdeg)
 o normalizeDegrees
protected static double normalizeDegrees(double angle)
 o containsAngle
public boolean containsAngle(double angle)
Tests if a given angle is within the angular extents of the arc.

 o contains
public boolean contains(double x,
                        double y)
Test if a given Point is inside the boundary of the shape.

 o intersects
public boolean intersects(double x,
                          double y,
                          double w,
                          double h)
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.

 o contains
public boolean contains(double x,
                        double y,
                        double w,
                        double h)
Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given set of rectangular coordinates.

 o contains
public boolean contains(Rectangle2D r)
Test if the interior of the Shape entirely contains the given Rectangle.

contains in class RectangularShape
 o getPathIterator
public PathIterator getPathIterator(AffineTransform at)
Return an iteration object that defines the boundary of the shape.

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