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Class java.awt.print.Book.PageAndPainter


protected class Book.PageAndPainter
extends Object
The PageAndPainter inner class holds the PageFormat- Printable pair associated with a given page.

Constructor Index

 o Book.PageAndPainter(Book, PageFormat, Printable)
A new instance where 'format' describes the page's size and orientation and 'painter' is the instance that will draw the page's graphics.

Method Index

 o getPageFormat()
Return the format of the page.
 o getPainter()
Return the instance that paints the page.
 o set(PageFormat, Printable)
Set the paper size and orientation, 'format', as well as the instance that will draw the page, 'painter'.


 o Book.PageAndPainter
protected Book.PageAndPainter(Book this$0,
                              PageFormat format,
                              Printable painter)
A new instance where 'format' describes the page's size and orientation and 'painter' is the instance that will draw the page's graphics.


 o set
protected void set(PageFormat format,
                   Printable painter)
Set the paper size and orientation, 'format', as well as the instance that will draw the page, 'painter'.

 o getPageFormat
protected PageFormat getPageFormat()
Return the format of the page.

 o getPainter
protected Printable getPainter()
Return the instance that paints the page.

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