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Class java.awt.print.Book
- public class Book
- extends Object
A Book maintains a list of pages to be printed.
Book.PageAndPainter- The PageAndPainter inner class holds the PageFormat-
Printable pair associated with a given page.
UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES- Pass this constant to the setNumberOfPages method
to indicate that the number of pages in the book
is unknown and thus the book is open ended.
- Create a new book containing no pages.
append(PageFormat, Printable)
- Append a single page to the end of this
append(PageFormat, Printable, int)
- Append 'numPages' pages to the end of this document.
- Append a page format and Printable instance pair
enclosed in a PageAndPainter instance to the
end of the book.
- Return the number of pages in this document.
- Return our inner class that holds both the PageFormat and
the Printable instances for a given page.
- Return the page format for the 'pageNumber'th
page int he book.
- Return the Printable instance, the painter, responsible
for drawing the page specified by 'pageNumber'.
setPage(int, PageFormat, Printable)
- Set the page format and the painter for a
given page number.
public static final int UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES
- Pass this constant to the setNumberOfPages method
to indicate that the number of pages in the book
is unknown and thus the book is open ended.
public Book()
- Create a new book containing no pages.
public int getNumberOfPages()
- Return the number of pages in this document.
public void setPage(int pageNumber,
PageFormat page,
Printable painter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Set the page format and the painter for a
given page number. If the page specified is not
already in the book, then an IndexOutOfBoundsException
excpetion is thrown.
public PageFormat getPageFormat(int pageNumber) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Return the page format for the 'pageNumber'th
page int he book. If there is no such page in
the book, then throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException
public Printable getPagePainter(int pageNumber) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Return the Printable instance, the painter, responsible
for drawing the page specified by 'pageNumber'.
protected Book.PageAndPainter getPageAndPainter(int pageNumber) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Return our inner class that holds both the PageFormat and
the Printable instances for a given page.
public void append(PageFormat page,
Printable painter)
- Append a single page to the end of this
public void append(PageFormat page,
Printable painter,
int numPages)
- Append 'numPages' pages to the end of this document.
Each of the pages is associated with 'page'.
protected void appendPageAndPainter(Book.PageAndPainter pageAndPainter)
- Append a page format and Printable instance pair
enclosed in a PageAndPainter instance to the
end of the book.
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