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Class java.awt.swing.SyntheticImage


public abstract class SyntheticImage
extends Object
implements ImageProducer
A helper class to make computing synthetic images a little easier. All you need to do is define a subclass that overrides computeRow to compute a row of the image. It is passed the y coordinate of the row and an array into which to put the pixels in standard ARGB format.

Normal usage looks something like this:

 Image i = new Image(new SyntheticImage(200, 100) {
       protected void computeRow(int y, int[] row) {
   	for(int i = width; --i>=0; ) {
   	    int grey = i*255/(width-1);
   	    row[i] = (255<<24)|(grey<<16)|(grey<<8)|grey;
This creates a image 200 pixels wide and 100 pixels high that is a horizontal grey ramp, going from black on the left to white on the right.

If the image is to be a movie, override isStatic to return false, y cycling back to 0 is computeRow's signal that the next frame has started. It is acceptable (expected?) for computeRow(0,r) to pause until the appropriate time to start the next frame.

Variable Index

 o height
 o pixMask
 o width

Constructor Index

 o SyntheticImage()
 o SyntheticImage(int, int)

Method Index

 o addConsumer(ImageConsumer)
 o computeRow(int, int[])
 o isConsumer(ImageConsumer)
 o isStatic()
 o nextFrame(int)
 o removeConsumer(ImageConsumer)
 o requestTopDownLeftRightResend(ImageConsumer)
 o startProduction(ImageConsumer)


 o width
protected int width
 o height
protected int height
 o pixMask
public static final int pixMask


 o SyntheticImage
protected SyntheticImage()
 o SyntheticImage
protected SyntheticImage(int w,
                         int h)


 o computeRow
protected void computeRow(int y,
                          int[] row)
 o addConsumer
public void addConsumer(ImageConsumer ic)
 o isConsumer
public boolean isConsumer(ImageConsumer ic)
 o removeConsumer
public void removeConsumer(ImageConsumer ic)
 o startProduction
public void startProduction(ImageConsumer ic)
 o isStatic
protected boolean isStatic()
 o nextFrame
public void nextFrame(int param)
 o requestTopDownLeftRightResend
public void requestTopDownLeftRightResend(ImageConsumer ic)

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