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Class java.awt.swing.SwingUtilities


public class SwingUtilities
extends Object
implements SwingConstants
A collection of conveniences for Swing

Constructor Index

 o SwingUtilities()

Method Index

 o computeDifference(Rectangle, Rectangle)
 o computeIntersection(int, int, int, int, Rectangle)
 o computeStringWidth(FontMetrics, String)
 o computeUnion(int, int, int, int, Rectangle)
 o convertMouseEvent(Component, MouseEvent, Component)
Returns a MouseEvent similar to sourceEvent except that its x and y members have been converted to destination's coordinate system.
 o convertPoint(Component, int, int, Component)
Convert the point (x,y) in source coordinate system to destination coordinate system.
 o convertPoint(Component, Point, Component)
Convert a aPoint in source coordinate system to destination coordinate system.
 o convertRectangle(Component, Rectangle, Component)
Convert the rectangle aRectangle in source coordinate system to destination coordinate system.
 o getAccessibleAt(Component, Point)
Returns the Accessible child contained at the local coordinate Point, if one exists.
 o getAccessibleChild(Component, int)
Return the nth Accessible child of the object.
 o getAccessibleChildrenCount(Component)
Returns the number of accessible children in the object.
 o getAccessibleStateSet(Component)
Get the state of this object.
 o getAncestorNamed(String, Component)
Convience method for searching above comp in the component hierarchy and returns the first object of name it finds.
 o getAncestorOfClass(Class, Component)
Convience method for searching above comp in the component hierarchy and returns the first object of class c it finds.
 o getDeepestComponentAt(Component, int, int)
Returns the deepest child Component of parent that is at the location x, y.
 o getLocalBounds(Component)
Return the rectangle (0,0,bounds.width,bounds.height) for the component aComponent
 o getNextAccessibleSibling(Component)
Get the next Accessible sibling this Component, if a preferred one exists.
 o getPreviousAccessibleSibling(Component)
Get the previous Accessible sibling of this component, if a preferred one exists.
 o invokeAndWait(Runnable)
Causes obj to have its run() method called in the dispatch thread of the EventQueue.
 o invokeLater(Runnable)
Causes obj to have its run() method called in the dispatch thread of the EventQueue.
 o isDescendingFrom(Component, Component)
Return true if a component a descends from a component b
 o isLeftMouseButton(MouseEvent)
 o isMiddleMouseButton(MouseEvent)
 o isRectangleContainingRectangle(Rectangle, Rectangle)
Return true if a contains b
 o isRightMouseButton(MouseEvent)
 o isRunningFromEventDispatcherThread()
Returns true if the calling code is executing into the event dispatcher thread
 o layoutCompoundLabel(FontMetrics, String, Icon, int, int, int, int, Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle, int)
Compute and return the location of the icons origin, the location of origin of the text baseline, and a possibly clipped version of the compound labels string.
 o layoutMenuItem(FontMetrics, String, Icon, Icon, Icon, int, int, int, int, Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle, int, int)
Compute and return the location of the icons origin, the location of origin of the text baseline, and a possibly clipped version of the compound labels string.
 o paintComponent(Graphics, Component, Container, int, int, int, int)
Paint a component c on an abitrary graphics g in the specified rectangle.
 o paintComponent(Graphics, Component, Container, Rectangle)
 o updateComponentTreeUI(Component)
A simple minded look and feel change: ask each node in the tree to updateUI(), i.e.
 o windowForComponent(Component)
Return aComponent's window


 o SwingUtilities
public SwingUtilities()


 o isRectangleContainingRectangle
public static final boolean isRectangleContainingRectangle(Rectangle a,
                                                           Rectangle b)
Return true if a contains b

 o getLocalBounds
public static Rectangle getLocalBounds(Component aComponent)
Return the rectangle (0,0,bounds.width,bounds.height) for the component aComponent

 o convertPoint
public static Point convertPoint(Component source,
                                 Point aPoint,
                                 Component destination)
Convert a aPoint in source coordinate system to destination coordinate system. If source>is null,aPoint is assumed to be in destination's root component coordinate system. If destinationis null, aPoint will be converted to source's root component coordinate system. If both source and destination are null, return aPoint without any conversion. If both source and destination
 o convertPoint
public static Point convertPoint(Component source,
                                 int x,
                                 int y,
                                 Component destination)
Convert the point (x,y) in source coordinate system to destination coordinate system. If source>is null,(x,y) is assumed to be in destination's root component coordinate system. If destinationis null, (x,y) will be converted to source's root component coordinate system. If both source and destination are null, return (x,y) without any conversion. If both source and destination
 o convertRectangle
public static Rectangle convertRectangle(Component source,
                                         Rectangle aRectangle,
                                         Component destination)
Convert the rectangle aRectangle in source coordinate system to destination coordinate system. If source>is null,aRectangle is assumed to be in destination's root component coordinate system. If destinationis null, aRectangle will be converted to source's root component coordinate system. If both source and destination are null, return aRectangle without any conversion. If both source and destination
 o getAncestorOfClass
public static Container getAncestorOfClass(Class c,
                                           Component comp)
Convience method for searching above comp in the component hierarchy and returns the first object of class c it finds. Can return null, if a class c cannot be found.

 o getAncestorNamed
public static Container getAncestorNamed(String name,
                                         Component comp)
Convience method for searching above comp in the component hierarchy and returns the first object of name it finds. Can return null, if name cannot be found.

 o getDeepestComponentAt
public static Component getDeepestComponentAt(Component parent,
                                              int x,
                                              int y)
Returns the deepest child Component of parent that is at the location x, y. If parent is not a Container, it is returned, otherwise this method is messaged again with the child component at x, y.

 o convertMouseEvent
public static MouseEvent convertMouseEvent(Component source,
                                           MouseEvent sourceEvent,
                                           Component destination)
Returns a MouseEvent similar to sourceEvent except that its x and y members have been converted to destination's coordinate system. If source is null, sourceEvent x and y members are assumed to be into destination's root component coordinate system. If destination is null, the returned MouseEvent will be in source's coordinate system. sourceEvent will not be changed. A new event is returned. the source field of the returned event will be set to destination if destination is non null use translateMouseEvent() to translate a mouse event from one component to another without changing the source.

 o windowForComponent
public static Window windowForComponent(Component aComponent)
Return aComponent's window

 o isDescendingFrom
public static boolean isDescendingFrom(Component a,
                                       Component b)
Return true if a component a descends from a component b

 o invokeLater
public static void invokeLater(Runnable obj)
Causes obj to have its run() method called in the dispatch thread of the EventQueue. This will happen after all pending events are processed.

 o isRunningFromEventDispatcherThread
public static boolean isRunningFromEventDispatcherThread()
Returns true if the calling code is executing into the event dispatcher thread

 o invokeAndWait
public static void invokeAndWait(Runnable obj) throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException
Causes obj to have its run() method called in the dispatch thread of the EventQueue. This will happen after all pending events are processed. The call blocks until this has happened. This method will throw and error if called from the event dispatcher thread.

Throws: InterruptedException
if another thread has interrupted this thread.
Throws: InvocationTargetException
if an exception is thrown when running obj.
 o computeIntersection
public static Rectangle computeIntersection(int x,
                                            int y,
                                            int width,
                                            int height,
                                            Rectangle dest)
 o computeUnion
public static Rectangle computeUnion(int x,
                                     int y,
                                     int width,
                                     int height,
                                     Rectangle dest)
 o computeDifference
public static Rectangle[] computeDifference(Rectangle rectA,
                                            Rectangle rectB)
 o isLeftMouseButton
public static boolean isLeftMouseButton(MouseEvent anEvent)
 o isMiddleMouseButton
public static boolean isMiddleMouseButton(MouseEvent anEvent)
 o isRightMouseButton
public static boolean isRightMouseButton(MouseEvent anEvent)
 o computeStringWidth
public static int computeStringWidth(FontMetrics fm,
                                     String str)
 o layoutCompoundLabel
public static String layoutCompoundLabel(FontMetrics fm,
                                         String text,
                                         Icon icon,
                                         int verticalAlignment,
                                         int horizontalAlignment,
                                         int verticalTextPosition,
                                         int horizontalTextPosition,
                                         Rectangle viewR,
                                         Rectangle iconR,
                                         Rectangle textR,
                                         int textIconGap)
Compute and return the location of the icons origin, the location of origin of the text baseline, and a possibly clipped version of the compound labels string. Locations are computed relative to the viewR rectangle.

 o layoutMenuItem
public static String layoutMenuItem(FontMetrics fm,
                                    String text,
                                    Icon icon,
                                    Icon checkIcon,
                                    Icon arrowIcon,
                                    int verticalAlignment,
                                    int horizontalAlignment,
                                    int verticalTextPosition,
                                    int horizontalTextPosition,
                                    Rectangle viewR,
                                    Rectangle iconR,
                                    Rectangle textR,
                                    Rectangle checkIconR,
                                    Rectangle arrowIconR,
                                    int textIconGap,
                                    int menuItemGap)
Compute and return the location of the icons origin, the location of origin of the text baseline, and a possibly clipped version of the compound labels string. Locations are computed relative to the viewR rectangle.

 o paintComponent
public static void paintComponent(Graphics g,
                                  Component c,
                                  Container p,
                                  int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int w,
                                  int h)
Paint a component c on an abitrary graphics g in the specified rectangle. The component is reparented to a private container (whose parent becomes p) which prevents c.validate() and and c.repaint() calls from propogating up the tree. The intermediate container has no other effect.

 o paintComponent
public static void paintComponent(Graphics g,
                                  Component c,
                                  Container p,
                                  Rectangle r)
 o updateComponentTreeUI
public static void updateComponentTreeUI(Component c)
A simple minded look and feel change: ask each node in the tree to updateUI(), i.e. to initialize its UI property with the current look and feel.

 o getNextAccessibleSibling
public static Accessible getNextAccessibleSibling(Component c)
Get the next Accessible sibling this Component, if a preferred one exists. This should generally return the next item in the tab order, if that item implements Accessible

the next Accessible, if there is one
 o getPreviousAccessibleSibling
public static Accessible getPreviousAccessibleSibling(Component c)
Get the previous Accessible sibling of this component, if a preferred one exists. This should generally return the previous item in the tab order, if that item implements Accessible

the previous Accessible, if there is one
 o getAccessibleAt
public static Accessible getAccessibleAt(Component c,
                                         Point p)
Returns the Accessible child contained at the local coordinate Point, if one exists.

the Accessible at the specified location, if it exists
 o getAccessibleStateSet
public static AccessibleStateSet getAccessibleStateSet(Component c)
Get the state of this object.

an instance of AccessibleStateSet containing the current state set of the object
See Also:
 o getAccessibleChildrenCount
public static int getAccessibleChildrenCount(Component c)
Returns the number of accessible children in the object. If all of the children of this object implement Accessible, than this method should return the number of children of this object.

the number of accessible children in the object.
 o getAccessibleChild
public static Accessible getAccessibleChild(Component c,
                                            int i)
Return the nth Accessible child of the object.

i - zero-based index of child
the nth Accessible child of the object

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