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Class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
- public abstract class AbstractTreeUI
- extends TreeUI
- implements Serializable, TreeModelListener, RowMapper, TreeSelectionListener
AbstractTreeUI can be used as a placeholder for subclassers wishing to
create their own Look and Feel, but that don't want to reinvent
everything. It will track the nodes that have been expanded and can
handle almost all of the TreeUI methods. There are a few methods
subclassers must implement, such as determining the size of
each of the nodes. Subclassers will need to support drawing of the nodes,
editing of the nodes and potentially key and mouse navigation, look
to BasicTreeUI for an example of all of this.
AbstractTreeUI will use VisibleTreeNode to track everything, unless it
has bee configured as a largeModel, in which case LargeTreeModelNode
will be used.
largeModel- If this is true, VisibleTreeNode is not used, instead
LargeTreeModelNode will be used to track the state of the tree.
largeRoot- Root node, used if largeModel is set to true.
largeRowCount- Number of rows, only used for largeModel.
rootVisible- Is the root being displayed?
rowHeight- Height to use for each row.
showsRootHandles- true if there should be handles at the top level.
treeCacheRoot- The root node of the internal cache of nodes that have been shown.
treeModel- The model that is currently being compressed.
treeSelectionModel- Used to determine if a node is selected.
updateNodeSizes- When messaged to paint() if this is true updateNodeSizes()
will be messaged before painting to relayout the location and
sizes of the nodes.
visibleNodes- The array of nodes that are currently visible, in the order they
are displayed.
- Insures that the last item identified in path is collapsed and
- Insures that the item identified by row is collapsed.
createLargeTreeModelNodeForValue(Object, int)
- Creates and returns an instance of LargeTreeModelNode.
createNodeAt(VisibleTreeNode, int)
- Creates a new node to represent the node at childIndex in
parents children.
createNodeForValue(Object, int)
- Responsible for creating a VisibleTreeNode that will be used
to track display information about value.
ensureLargePathIsExpanded(TreePath, boolean)
- Ensures that all the path components in path are expanded, accept
for the last component which will only be expanded if expandLast
is true.
ensurePathIsAbstract(TreePath, VisibleTreeNode)
- Returns an AbstractTreePath for path.
ensurePathIsExpanded(TreePath, boolean)
- Returns the VisibleTreeNode instances that are used to
represent the user values in path, as well as insuring
that all the nodes are visible.
- Ensures that the last item identified in path is expanded and
- Insures that the item identified by row is expanded.
getClosestPathForLocation(int, int)
- Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y.
getClosestRowForLocation(int, int)
- Returns the row to the node that is closest to x,y.
getLargeBoundsOf(LargeTreeModelNode, int, Object)
- Parent is the parent of the node being drawn for.
getLargeParentAndChildIndexOfRow(int, int[])
- Returns the parent Expanded node for the passed in row.
- Returns the TreePath of the passed in row.
- Returns the row for the given TreePath.
getLargeTreeModelNodeForPath(Object[], boolean, boolean)
- Messages getLageTreeModelNodeForPath(path, onlyIfVisible, shouldCreate,
path.length as long as path is non-null and the length is > 0.
getLargeTreeModelNodeForPath(Object[], boolean, boolean, int)
- Returns the LargeTreeModelNode instance for the given path.
getLargeTreeModelNodeForRow(int, boolean)
- Returns the LargeTreeModelNode for the passed in row.
- Returns the maximum node width.
- Gets the last selected row.
- Gets the first selected row.
- Returns the TreeModel that is being displayed for.
- Returns the AbstractTreeUI.VisibleNode displayed at the given row
Only used if largeModel is false.
getNodeForPath(Object[], boolean, boolean)
- Returns the VisibleTreeNode that represents the last item in
getNodeForTreePath(TreePath, boolean, boolean)
- Returns the VisibleTreeNode identified by path.
getNodesForPath(Object[], boolean, boolean)
- Returns the VisibleTreeNodes that represent
getNodesForTreePath(TreePath, boolean, boolean)
- Returns the path of VisibleTreeNode's to reach the path identified
in path.
- Returns the Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the
last item in path will be drawn into.
- Returns the path for passed in row.
- Returns the
s for the indices in
- Returns the Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the
item identified by row will be drawn into.
- Returns the index of the row containing location.
- Returns the number of visible rows.
- Returns the row that the last item identified in path is visible
- Returns the height of each row.
- Returns the rows that the TreePath instances in
are being displayed at.
- Returns the model used to maintain the selection.
- Returns the path to the first selected value, or null if
nothing is currently selected.
- Returns the path of the selected values, or null if nothing is
current selected.
- Returns all of the currently selected rows.
- Returns true if handles for the root nodes are displayed.
getSizeOfNode(VisibleTreeNode, int)
- Subclassers must implement this to return the size of node.
- Returns the data model object displayed at the given row
- Subclassers must implement this method, should return the x
origin of where the particular node is goin to drawn at.
- Returns the y origin of row.
isAbstractTreePath(TreePath, boolean, boolean)
- Returns true if path is an instance of AbstractTreePath
and was created by this instance (updating it if it is out of date).
- Returns true if the value identified by row is currently collapsed.
- Returns true if the value identified by path is currently collapsed,
this will return false if any of the values in path are currently
not being displayed.
- Returns true if the value identified by row is currently expanded.
- Returns true if the value identified by path is currently expanded,
this will return false if any of the values in path are currently
not being displayed.
- Returns true if the height of each row is a fixed size.
- Returns true if the reciever is configured for displaying large
- Returns true if the node at
is a leaf.
- Returns true if item identified by path is currently selected.
- Returns true if root is currently visible.
- Returns true if the row identitifed by row is selected.
- Returns true if row is selected.
- Returns true if all the parents of path are currently expanded.
- Ensures that all of the parents of path are currently expanded.
- Messaged from the VisibleTreeNode after it has collapsed.
- Messaged from the VisibleTreeNode after it has been expanded.
- Sent to completely rebuild the visible tree.
- Configures the reciever to display a largeModel based on
- Sets the model the data is going to come from.
- Sets whether or not the root node of the model is to be displayed.
- Sets the height of each to be rowHeight.
- Sets the TreeSelectionModel used to manage the selection to
new LSM.
- Sets whether or not the root handles are to be displayed.
- Invoked after nodes in the tree have changed in some way.
- Invoked after nodes have been inserted into the tree.
- Invoked after nodes have been removed from the tree.
- Invoked after the tree has drastically changed structure.
- Resets the y origin of all the visible nodes as well as messaging
all the visible nodes to updatePreferredSize().
- Updates the y locations of all of the visible nodes after
- Notification that the model has changed.
- Returns an enumeration of AbstractTreeUI.VisibleTreeNode.
- Messaged when the visible nodes have changed (eg when a
node is expanded, when nodes are removed from the model...).
protected transient TreeModel treeModel
- The model that is currently being compressed.
protected boolean rootVisible
- Is the root being displayed?
protected VisibleTreeNode treeCacheRoot
- The root node of the internal cache of nodes that have been shown.
If the treeModel is vending a network rather than a true tree,
there may be one cached node for each path to a modeled node.
protected Vector visibleNodes
- The array of nodes that are currently visible, in the order they
are displayed.
protected boolean updateNodeSizes
- When messaged to paint() if this is true updateNodeSizes()
will be messaged before painting to relayout the location and
sizes of the nodes.
protected int rowHeight
- Height to use for each row. If this is <= 0 the renderer will be
used to determine the height for each row.
protected boolean showsRootHandles
- true if there should be handles at the top level. If the root
isn't visible it is highly recommended to make this true.
protected TreeSelectionModel treeSelectionModel
- Used to determine if a node is selected.
protected LargeTreeModelNode largeRoot
- Root node, used if largeModel is set to true.
protected boolean largeModel
- If this is true, VisibleTreeNode is not used, instead
LargeTreeModelNode will be used to track the state of the tree.
If this is true, rowHeight will always be > 0.
protected int largeRowCount
- Number of rows, only used for largeModel.
public AbstractTreeUI()
public void setModel(TreeModel newModel)
- Sets the model the data is going to come from. Will message
rebuild if the new model is different from the current model.
public TreeModel getModel()
- Returns the TreeModel that is being displayed for.
public void setLargeModel(boolean largeModel)
- Configures the reciever to display a largeModel based on
public boolean isLargeModel()
- Returns true if the reciever is configured for displaying large
public void setRootVisible(boolean rootVisible)
- Sets whether or not the root node of the model is to be displayed.
public boolean isRootVisible()
- Returns true if root is currently visible.
public void setShowsRootHandles(boolean newValue)
- Sets whether or not the root handles are to be displayed.
public boolean getShowsRootHandles()
- Returns true if handles for the root nodes are displayed.
public void setRowHeight(int rowHeight)
- Sets the height of each to be rowHeight. If rowHeight
is less than or equal to zero the current cell renderer will
be queried for each rows height.
If largeModel is true and rowHeight is < 1, an
IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
public int getRowHeight()
- Returns the height of each row. If returned value is less than
or equal to 0 the height for each row is determined by the
public boolean isFixedRowHeight()
- Returns true if the height of each row is a fixed size.
public abstract int getXOriginOfNode(VisibleTreeNode node)
- Subclassers must implement this method, should return the x
origin of where the particular node is goin to drawn at.
public abstract Dimension getSizeOfNode(VisibleTreeNode node,
int row)
- Subclassers must implement this to return the size of node.
protected abstract Rectangle getLargeBoundsOf(LargeTreeModelNode parent,
int row,
Object childUserObject)
- Parent is the parent of the node being drawn for. Will be null if
getting root bounds.
public abstract void visibleNodesChanged()
- Messaged when the visible nodes have changed (eg when a
node is expanded, when nodes are removed from the model...).
protected abstract void pathWasExpanded(TreePath path)
- Messaged from the VisibleTreeNode after it has been expanded.
protected abstract void pathWasCollapsed(TreePath path)
- Messaged from the VisibleTreeNode after it has collapsed.
protected boolean isAbstractTreePath(TreePath path,
boolean onlyIfVisible,
boolean shouldCreate)
- Returns true if path is an instance of AbstractTreePath
and was created by this instance (updating it if it is out of date).
Otherwise false is returned.
Only used if largeModel is false.
protected VisibleTreeNode getNodeForTreePath(TreePath path,
boolean onlyIfVisible,
boolean shouldCreate)
- Returns the VisibleTreeNode identified by path. This mirrors
the behavior of getNodeForPath, but tries to take advantage of
path if it is an instance of AbstractTreePath.
Only used if largeModel is false.
protected VisibleTreeNode[] getNodesForTreePath(TreePath path,
boolean onlyIfVisible,
boolean shouldCreate)
- Returns the path of VisibleTreeNode's to reach the path identified
in path. This mirrors the behavior of getNodesForPath, but tries
to take advantage of path if it is an instance of AbstractTreePath.
Only used if largeModel is false.
protected TreePath ensurePathIsAbstract(TreePath path,
VisibleTreeNode node)
- Returns an AbstractTreePath for path. If path is already an
instance of AbstractTreePath, it is returned, otherwise an
instance of AbstractTreePath is created.
Only used if largeModel is false.
public VisibleTreeNode getNodeForPath(Object[] path,
boolean onlyIfVisible,
boolean shouldCreate)
- Returns the VisibleTreeNode that represents the last item in
path. If onlyIfVisibile is true and any of the nodes in
path are not currently visible, null will be returned.
shouldCreate is passed into getLoadedChildren, a
true value will load the nodes if they have not already been
Only used if largeModel is false.
public VisibleTreeNode[] getNodesForPath(Object[] path,
boolean onlyIfVisible,
boolean shouldCreate)
- Returns the VisibleTreeNodes that represent
path. If onlyIfVisibile is true and any of the nodes in
path are not currently visible, null will be returned.
shouldCreate is passed into getLoadedChildren, a
true value will load the nodes if they have not already been
Only used if largeModel is false.
protected void updateYLocationsFrom(int location)
- Updates the y locations of all of the visible nodes after
Only used if largeModel is false.
public void treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent e)
- Invoked after nodes in the tree have changed in some way. All of
the nodes are siblings. The nodes have not changed locations in
the tree or altered their children arrays, but other attributes
have changed and may affect the nodes' presentation.
protected VisibleTreeNode createNodeAt(VisibleTreeNode parent,
int childIndex)
- Creates a new node to represent the node at childIndex in
parents children. This should be called if the node doesn't
already exist and parent has been expanded at least once.
The newly created node will be made visible if parent is
currently expanded. This does not update the position of any
cells, nor update the selection if it needs to be. If succesful
in creating the new VisibleTreeNode, it is returned, otherwise
null is returned.
Only used if largeModel is false.
public void treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent e)
- Invoked after nodes have been inserted into the tree.
public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent e)
- Invoked after nodes have been removed from the tree. Note that
if a subtree is removed from the tree, this method may only be
invoked once for the root of the removed subtree, not once for
each individual set of siblings removed.
public void treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent e)
- Invoked after the tree has drastically changed structure. The event
will identify the root of the subtree that has changed. The
behavior of this is to recreate the last node that is identified
by the path in the passed in event. If the node was previously
expanded it will be expanded when recreated, but none of its
children will be expanded. If the path returned by e.getPath() is
of length one and the first element does not identify the current
root node the first element should become the new root of the tree.
public void rebuild()
- Sent to completely rebuild the visible tree. All nodes are collapsed.
public void updateNodeSizes(boolean updateAll)
- Resets the y origin of all the visible nodes as well as messaging
all the visible nodes to updatePreferredSize(). You should not
normally have to call this. Expanding and contracting the nodes
automaticly adjusts the locations.
updateAll determines if updatePreferredSize() is call on all nodes
or just those that don't have a valid size.
Only used if largeModel is false.
public int getYOriginOfRow(int row)
- Returns the y origin of row.
public int getRowContainingYLocation(int location)
- Returns the index of the row containing location. If there
are no rows, -1 is returned. If location is beyond the last
row index, the last row index is returned.
protected boolean ensureLargePathIsExpanded(TreePath path,
boolean expandLast)
- Ensures that all the path components in path are expanded, accept
for the last component which will only be expanded if expandLast
is true.
Returns true if succesful in finding the path.
protected VisibleTreeNode[] ensurePathIsExpanded(TreePath path,
boolean expandLast)
- Returns the VisibleTreeNode instances that are used to
represent the user values in path, as well as insuring
that all the nodes are visible. If any component of the path is
not valid, null will be returned.
Only used if largeModel is false.
public TreePath getSelectionPath()
- Returns the path to the first selected value, or null if
nothing is currently selected.
public TreePath[] getSelectionPaths()
- Returns the path of the selected values, or null if nothing is
current selected.
public int[] getSelectionRows()
- Returns all of the currently selected rows.
public int getMinSelectionRow()
- Gets the first selected row.
public int getMaxSelectionRow()
- Gets the last selected row.
public boolean isPathSelected(TreePath path)
- Returns true if item identified by path is currently selected.
public boolean isRowSelected(int row)
- Returns true if the row identitifed by row is selected.
public boolean isExpanded(TreePath path)
- Returns true if the value identified by path is currently expanded,
this will return false if any of the values in path are currently
not being displayed.
- Overrides:
- isExpanded in class TreeUI
public boolean isExpanded(int row)
- Returns true if the value identified by row is currently expanded.
- Overrides:
- isExpanded in class TreeUI
public boolean isCollapsed(TreePath path)
- Returns true if the value identified by path is currently collapsed,
this will return false if any of the values in path are currently
not being displayed.
- Overrides:
- isCollapsed in class TreeUI
public boolean isCollapsed(int row)
- Returns true if the value identified by row is currently collapsed.
- Overrides:
- isCollapsed in class TreeUI
public boolean isLeaf(int row)
- Returns true if the node at
is a leaf.
public void makeVisible(TreePath path)
- Ensures that all of the parents of path are currently expanded.
To make sure it is truyly visible, you may wish to call
scrollPathToVisible, which will try and scroll the path to be
visibile if the JTree is in a scroller.
- Overrides:
- makeVisible in class TreeUI
public boolean isVisible(TreePath path)
- Returns true if all the parents of path are currently expanded.
- Overrides:
- isVisible in class TreeUI
public int getRowCount()
- Returns the number of visible rows.
- Overrides:
- getRowCount in class TreeUI
public Rectangle getPathBounds(TreePath path)
- Returns the Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the
last item in path will be drawn into. Will return null if
any component in path is currently valid.
- Overrides:
- getPathBounds in class TreeUI
public Rectangle getRowBounds(int row)
- Returns the Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the
item identified by row will be drawn into.
- Overrides:
- getRowBounds in class TreeUI
public TreePath getPathForRow(int row)
- Returns the path for passed in row. If row is not visible
null is returned.
- Overrides:
- getPathForRow in class TreeUI
public int getRowForPath(TreePath path)
- Returns the row that the last item identified in path is visible
at. Will return -1 if any of the elements in path are not
currently visible.
- Overrides:
- getRowForPath in class TreeUI
public int[] getRowsForPaths(TreePath[] paths)
- Returns the rows that the TreePath instances in
are being displayed at. The receiver should return an array of
the same length as that passed in, and if one of the TreePaths
in path
is not valid its entry in the array should
be set to -1.
public TreePath[] getPathsForRows(int[] rows)
- Returns the
s for the indices in
. The receiver should return an array of the same
size as that passed in, and if one of the rows is invalid it
should be set to null.
public void expandPath(TreePath path)
- Ensures that the last item identified in path is expanded and
- Overrides:
- expandPath in class TreeUI
public void expandRow(int row)
- Insures that the item identified by row is expanded.
- Overrides:
- expandRow in class TreeUI
public void collapsePath(TreePath path)
- Insures that the last item identified in path is collapsed and
- Overrides:
- collapsePath in class TreeUI
public void collapseRow(int row)
- Insures that the item identified by row is collapsed.
- Overrides:
- collapseRow in class TreeUI
public TreePath getClosestPathForLocation(int x,
int y)
- Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y. If
there is nothing currently visible this will return null, otherwise
it'll always return a valid path. If you need to test if the
returned object is exactly at x, y you should get the bounds for
the returned path and test x, y against that.
- Overrides:
- getClosestPathForLocation in class TreeUI
public int getClosestRowForLocation(int x,
int y)
- Returns the row to the node that is closest to x,y. If
there is nothing currently visible this will return -1, otherwise
it'll always return a valid row. If you need to test if the
returned object is exactly at x, y you should get the bounds for
the returned row and test x, y against that.
- Overrides:
- getClosestRowForLocation in class TreeUI
public Object getValue(int row)
- Returns the data model object displayed at the given row
public VisibleTreeNode getNode(int row)
- Returns the AbstractTreeUI.VisibleNode displayed at the given row
Only used if largeModel is false.
public Enumeration visibleNodes()
- Returns an enumeration of AbstractTreeUI.VisibleTreeNode. There is one
element per visible row, and this enumerates through the rows from top
to bottom.
Only used if largeModel is false.
public int getMaxNodeWidth()
- Returns the maximum node width. If not largeModel then
this will repeatedly call getXOrigin() on this as well as
getPreferredSize() on each node to determine the size.
If this is a largeModel, then this will repeatedly get the bounds
of each row (getRowBounds), in other words this is very expensive
for largeModels.
public void setSelectionModel(TreeSelectionModel newLSM)
- Sets the TreeSelectionModel used to manage the selection to
new LSM.
public TreeSelectionModel getSelectionModel()
- Returns the model used to maintain the selection.
public boolean isSelectedIndex(int row)
- Returns true if row is selected.
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e)
- Notification that the model has changed. Makes sure all the paths
in the TreeSelectionEvent
are visible (that is
there are parents are expanded).
protected VisibleTreeNode createNodeForValue(Object value,
int index)
- Responsible for creating a VisibleTreeNode that will be used
to track display information about value.
protected LargeTreeModelNode createLargeTreeModelNodeForValue(Object value,
int childIndex)
- Creates and returns an instance of LargeTreeModelNode.
protected LargeTreeModelNode getLargeParentAndChildIndexOfRow(int row,
int[] cIndex)
- Returns the parent Expanded node for the passed in row. Will
return null for the root, or any rows outside of the current range.
Also, returns by refernence in cIndex the child index from
the model.
protected LargeTreeModelNode getLargeTreeModelNodeForRow(int row,
boolean shouldCreate)
- Returns the LargeTreeModelNode for the passed in row. This will return
null if row is > then number of rows, or if there isn't currently
an expanded node for the passed in row.
protected TreePath getLargePathForRow(int row)
- Returns the TreePath of the passed in row.
protected int getLargeRowForPath(Object[] path)
- Returns the row for the given TreePath.
protected LargeTreeModelNode getLargeTreeModelNodeForPath(Object[] path,
boolean onlyIfVisible,
boolean shouldCreate)
- Messages getLageTreeModelNodeForPath(path, onlyIfVisible, shouldCreate,
path.length as long as path is non-null and the length is > 0.
Otherwise returns null.
protected LargeTreeModelNode getLargeTreeModelNodeForPath(Object[] path,
boolean onlyIfVisible,
boolean shouldCreate,
int pathLength)
- Returns the LargeTreeModelNode instance for the given path.
Path should only contain non-leafs.
If onlyIfVisible null will be returned if any items in the path
are not expanded.
If shouldCreate is true and some of the path is currently expanded,
it will be created and set to expanded.
protected AbstractTreePath createTreePathFor(VisibleTreeNode node)
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