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Class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI


public class BasicFileChooserUI
extends FileChooserUI
A Basic L&F implementation of FileChooserUI.

Class Index

 o BasicFileChooserUI.CancelAction
 o BasicFileChooserUI.GoHomeAction
 o BasicFileChooserUI.Listener
 o BasicFileChooserUI.MkdirAction
 o BasicFileChooserUI.NoFocusButton
A subclass of button that just WILL NOT accept focus
 o BasicFileChooserUI.OkayAction
 o BasicFileChooserUI.TypeRenderer
 o BasicFileChooserUI.TypesComboBoxModel

Variable Index

 o bodyPanel
 o bottomPanel
 o cancelAction
 o cancelButton
 o directoryPaneUI
 o fileChooser
 o goHomeAction
 o listener
 o mkdirAction
 o okayAction
 o okayButton
 o orientationLabel
 o textField
 o topPanel
 o types
 o typesComboBoxModel

Constructor Index

 o BasicFileChooserUI(JFileChooser)

Method Index

 o buildUI()
Builds our UI the first time it is called, does nothing after that.
 o createListener()
 o createTypeRenderer()
 o createTypesComboBoxModel()
 o createUI(JComponent)
 o getMaximumSize(JComponent)
 o getMinimumSize(JComponent)
 o getPreferredSize(JComponent)
 o installAccessory(Component)
 o installUI(JComponent)
If necessary, create this UI's various components and its BasicDirectoryPaneUI.
 o mkdir(String)
 o uninstallAccessory()
 o uninstallUI(JComponent)
 o update()


 o directoryPaneUI
protected BasicDirectoryPaneUI directoryPaneUI
 o fileChooser
protected JFileChooser fileChooser
 o listener
protected BasicFileChooserUI.Listener listener
 o goHomeAction
protected Action goHomeAction
 o mkdirAction
protected Action mkdirAction
 o cancelAction
protected Action cancelAction
 o okayAction
protected Action okayAction
 o topPanel
protected JPanel topPanel
 o bottomPanel
protected JPanel bottomPanel
 o orientationLabel
protected JLabel orientationLabel
 o okayButton
protected JButton okayButton
 o cancelButton
protected JButton cancelButton
 o textField
protected JTextField textField
 o types
protected JComboBox types
 o typesComboBoxModel
protected BasicFileChooserUI.TypesComboBoxModel typesComboBoxModel
 o bodyPanel
protected JPanel bodyPanel
protected static final Dimension MIN_SIZE


 o BasicFileChooserUI
public BasicFileChooserUI(JFileChooser b)


 o createUI
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
 o installUI
public void installUI(JComponent c)
If necessary, create this UI's various components and its BasicDirectoryPaneUI. Tell the sub UI to installUI (it take's the "Center" spot on c's contentPane), then put buttons and fields in the appropriate places around it. Establish listeners.

installUI in class ComponentUI
 o installAccessory
protected void installAccessory(Component c)
 o uninstallAccessory
protected void uninstallAccessory()
 o uninstallUI
public void uninstallUI(JComponent c)
uninstallUI in class ComponentUI
 o getPreferredSize
public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent x)
getPreferredSize in class ComponentUI
 o getMinimumSize
public Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent x)
getMinimumSize in class ComponentUI
 o getMaximumSize
public Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent x)
getMaximumSize in class ComponentUI
 o update
public void update()
 o buildUI
protected void buildUI()
Builds our UI the first time it is called, does nothing after that.

 o createTypeRenderer
protected BasicFileChooserUI.TypeRenderer createTypeRenderer()
 o createTypesComboBoxModel
protected BasicFileChooserUI.TypesComboBoxModel createTypesComboBoxModel()
 o createListener
protected BasicFileChooserUI.Listener createListener()
 o mkdir
protected File mkdir(String name)

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