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Class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager


public class BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager
extends BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
implements Serializable
LayoutManager used for JSplitPanes with an orientation of VERTICAL_SPLIT.

Constructor Index

 o BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager(BasicSplitPaneUI)

Method Index

 o getAvailableSize(Dimension, Insets)
Returns the available width based on the container size and Insets.
 o getInitialLocation(Insets)
Returns the left inset, unless the Insets or null in which case 0 is returned.
 o getPreferredSizeOfComponent(Component)
Returns the width of the passed in Components preferred size.
 o getSizeOfComponent(Component)
Returns the width of the passed in component.
 o minimumLayoutSize(Container)
Returns the minimum size needed to contain the children.
 o preferredLayoutSize(Container)
Returns the preferred size needed to contain the children.
 o setComponentToSize(Component, int, int, Insets, Dimension)
Sets the width of the component c to be c, placing its x location at location, y to the and height to the containersize.height less the top and bottom insets.


 o BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager
public BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager(BasicSplitPaneUI this$0)


 o getPreferredSizeOfComponent
protected int getPreferredSizeOfComponent(Component c)
Returns the width of the passed in Components preferred size.

getPreferredSizeOfComponent in class BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
 o getSizeOfComponent
protected int getSizeOfComponent(Component c)
Returns the width of the passed in component.

getSizeOfComponent in class BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
 o getAvailableSize
protected int getAvailableSize(Dimension containerSize,
                               Insets insets)
Returns the available width based on the container size and Insets.

getAvailableSize in class BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
 o getInitialLocation
protected int getInitialLocation(Insets insets)
Returns the left inset, unless the Insets or null in which case 0 is returned.

getInitialLocation in class BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
 o setComponentToSize
protected void setComponentToSize(Component c,
                                  int size,
                                  int location,
                                  Insets insets,
                                  Dimension containerSize)
Sets the width of the component c to be c, placing its x location at location, y to the and height to the containersize.height less the top and bottom insets.

setComponentToSize in class BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
 o minimumLayoutSize
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container container)
Returns the minimum size needed to contain the children. The height is the sum of all the childrens min heights and the width is the largest of the childrens minimum widths.

minimumLayoutSize in class BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
 o preferredLayoutSize
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container container)
Returns the preferred size needed to contain the children. The width is the sum of all the childrens preferred widths and the height is the largest of the childrens preferred heights.

preferredLayoutSize in class BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager

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