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Class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI


public class BasicSplitPaneUI
extends SplitPaneUI
implements PropertyChangeListener, Serializable

Class Index

 o BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
LayoutManager for JSplitPanes that have an orientation of HORIZONTAL_SPLIT.
 o BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicSplitPaneBorder
 o BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager
LayoutManager used for JSplitPanes with an orientation of VERTICAL_SPLIT.

Variable Index

 o beginDragDividerLocation
Location of the divider when the dragging session began.
 o createdBorder
Set to true if this instance created the border currently in the JSplitPane.
 o divider
Divides the two views.
 o dividerSize
The size of the divider while the dragging session is valid.
 o draggingHW
Set to true in startDragging if any of the children (not including the nonContinuousLayoutDivider) are heavy weights.
 o layoutManager
LayoutManager that is created and placed into the split pane.
The divider used for non-continuous layout is added to the split pane with this object.
 o nonContinuousLayoutDivider
Activated during a dragging session when the
 o splitPane
JSplitPane instance this instance is providing the look and feel for.

Constructor Index

 o BasicSplitPaneUI()
Creates a new instance of SplitPaneUI.

Method Index

 o createDefaultBorder()
Creates and returns the Border to be used when the JSplitPane the reciever is providing the look and feel for does not currently have a border.
 o createDefaultDivider()
Creates the default divider.
 o createDefaultNonContinuousLayoutDivider()
Returns the default non continuous layout divider, which is an instanceof Canvas that fills the background in dark gray.
 o createUI(JComponent)
Creates a new BasicSplitPaneUI instance
 o dragDividerTo(int)
Messaged during a dragging session to move the divider to the passed in location.
 o finishDraggingTo(int)
Messaged to finish the dragging session.
 o finishedPaintingChildren(JSplitPane, Graphics)
Messaged after the JSplitPane the receiver is providing the look and feel for paints its children.
 o getDivider()
Returns the divider between the top Components.
 o getDividerBorderSize()
Returns the width of one side of the divider border.
 o getDividerLocation()
Returns the location of the divider.
 o getInsets(JComponent)
Returns the insets.
 o getLastDragLocation()
 o getMaximumDividerLocation()
Gets the maximum location of the divider.
 o getMaximumSize(JComponent)
Returns the maximum size for the passed in component, This is passed off to the current layoutmanager.
 o getMinimumDividerLocation()
Gets the minimum location of the divider.
 o getMinimumSize(JComponent)
Returns the minimum size for the passed in component, This is passed off to the current layoutmanager.
 o getNonContinuousLayoutDivider()
Returns the divider to use when the splitPane is configured to not continuously layout.
 o getOrientation()
 o getPreferredSize(JComponent)
Returns the preferred size for the passed in component, This is passed off to the current layoutmanager.
 o getSplitPane()
Returns the splitpane this instance is currently contained in.
 o installUI(JComponent)
Installs the reciever as the L&F for the passed in split pane.
 o isContinuousLayout()
 o paint(Graphics, JComponent)
Messaged to paint the look and feel.
 o propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)
Messaged from the JSplitPane the reciever is contained in.
 o resetLayoutManager()
Resets the layout manager based on orientation and messages it with invalidateLayout to pull in appropriate Components.
 o resetToPreferredSizes()
Messaged to reset the preferred sizes.
 o setContinuousLayout(boolean)
 o setDivider(BasicSplitPaneDivider)
Sets the Component used to divider the two Components.
 o setDividerLocation(int)
Sets the location of the divider to location.
 o setLastDragLocation(int)
 o setNonContinuousLayoutDivider(Component)
Sets the divider to use when the splitPane is configured to not continuously layout.
 o setNonContinuousLayoutDivider(Component, boolean)
 o setOrientation(int)
 o startDragging()
Should be messaged before the dragging session starts, resets lastDragLocation and dividerSize.
 o uninstallUI(JComponent)
Removes the receiver from the L&F controller of the passed in split pane.


protected static final String NON_CONTINUOUS_DIVIDER
The divider used for non-continuous layout is added to the split pane with this object.

 o splitPane
protected JSplitPane splitPane
JSplitPane instance this instance is providing the look and feel for.

 o layoutManager
protected BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager layoutManager
LayoutManager that is created and placed into the split pane.

 o divider
protected BasicSplitPaneDivider divider
Divides the two views.

 o dividerSize
protected int dividerSize
The size of the divider while the dragging session is valid.

 o createdBorder
protected boolean createdBorder
Set to true if this instance created the border currently in the JSplitPane.

 o nonContinuousLayoutDivider
protected Component nonContinuousLayoutDivider
Activated during a dragging session when the

 o draggingHW
protected boolean draggingHW
Set to true in startDragging if any of the children (not including the nonContinuousLayoutDivider) are heavy weights.

 o beginDragDividerLocation
protected int beginDragDividerLocation
Location of the divider when the dragging session began.


 o BasicSplitPaneUI
public BasicSplitPaneUI()
Creates a new instance of SplitPaneUI.


 o getOrientation
public int getOrientation()
 o setOrientation
public void setOrientation(int orientation)
 o isContinuousLayout
public boolean isContinuousLayout()
 o setContinuousLayout
public void setContinuousLayout(boolean b)
 o getLastDragLocation
public int getLastDragLocation()
 o setLastDragLocation
public void setLastDragLocation(int l)
 o createUI
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent x)
Creates a new BasicSplitPaneUI instance

 o installUI
public void installUI(JComponent c)
Installs the reciever as the L&F for the passed in split pane.

installUI in class ComponentUI
 o uninstallUI
public void uninstallUI(JComponent c)
Removes the receiver from the L&F controller of the passed in split pane.

uninstallUI in class ComponentUI
 o createDefaultBorder
protected Border createDefaultBorder()
Creates and returns the Border to be used when the JSplitPane the reciever is providing the look and feel for does not currently have a border.

 o propertyChange
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
Messaged from the JSplitPane the reciever is contained in. May potentially reset the layout manager and cause a validate() to be sent.

 o setDivider
public void setDivider(BasicSplitPaneDivider newD)
Sets the Component used to divider the two Components.

 o getDivider
public BasicSplitPaneDivider getDivider()
Returns the divider between the top Components.

 o createDefaultNonContinuousLayoutDivider
protected Component createDefaultNonContinuousLayoutDivider()
Returns the default non continuous layout divider, which is an instanceof Canvas that fills the background in dark gray.

 o setNonContinuousLayoutDivider
protected void setNonContinuousLayoutDivider(Component newDivider)
Sets the divider to use when the splitPane is configured to not continuously layout. This divider will only be used during a dragging session. It is recommended that the passed in component be a heavy weight.

 o setNonContinuousLayoutDivider
protected void setNonContinuousLayoutDivider(Component newDivider,
                                             boolean rememberSizes)
 o getNonContinuousLayoutDivider
public Component getNonContinuousLayoutDivider()
Returns the divider to use when the splitPane is configured to not continuously layout. This divider will only be used during a dragging session.

 o getSplitPane
public JSplitPane getSplitPane()
Returns the splitpane this instance is currently contained in.

 o createDefaultDivider
public BasicSplitPaneDivider createDefaultDivider()
Creates the default divider.

 o resetToPreferredSizes
public void resetToPreferredSizes()
Messaged to reset the preferred sizes.

resetToPreferredSizes in class SplitPaneUI
 o setDividerLocation
public void setDividerLocation(int location)
Sets the location of the divider to location.

setDividerLocation in class SplitPaneUI
 o getDividerLocation
public int getDividerLocation()
Returns the location of the divider.

getDividerLocation in class SplitPaneUI
 o getMinimumDividerLocation
public int getMinimumDividerLocation()
Gets the minimum location of the divider.

getMinimumDividerLocation in class SplitPaneUI
 o getMaximumDividerLocation
public int getMaximumDividerLocation()
Gets the maximum location of the divider.

getMaximumDividerLocation in class SplitPaneUI
 o finishedPaintingChildren
public void finishedPaintingChildren(JSplitPane jc,
                                     Graphics g)
Messaged after the JSplitPane the receiver is providing the look and feel for paints its children.

finishedPaintingChildren in class SplitPaneUI
 o paint
public void paint(Graphics g,
                  JComponent jc)
Messaged to paint the look and feel.

paint in class ComponentUI
 o getPreferredSize
public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent jc)
Returns the preferred size for the passed in component, This is passed off to the current layoutmanager.

getPreferredSize in class ComponentUI
 o getMinimumSize
public Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent jc)
Returns the minimum size for the passed in component, This is passed off to the current layoutmanager.

getMinimumSize in class ComponentUI
 o getMaximumSize
public Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent jc)
Returns the maximum size for the passed in component, This is passed off to the current layoutmanager.

getMaximumSize in class ComponentUI
 o getInsets
public Insets getInsets(JComponent jc)
Returns the insets. The insets are returned from the broder insets of the current border.

 o resetLayoutManager
protected void resetLayoutManager()
Resets the layout manager based on orientation and messages it with invalidateLayout to pull in appropriate Components.

 o startDragging
protected void startDragging()
Should be messaged before the dragging session starts, resets lastDragLocation and dividerSize.

 o dragDividerTo
protected void dragDividerTo(int location)
Messaged during a dragging session to move the divider to the passed in location. If continuousLayout is true the location is reset and the splitPane validated.

 o finishDraggingTo
protected void finishDraggingTo(int location)
Messaged to finish the dragging session. If not continuous display the dividers location will be reset.

 o getDividerBorderSize
protected int getDividerBorderSize()
Returns the width of one side of the divider border.

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