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Class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTextFieldUI.MotifFieldController


public static class MotifTextFieldUI.MotifFieldController
extends MotifTextUI.MotifController

Constructor Index

 o MotifTextFieldUI.MotifFieldController(JTextComponent)
Creates a new controller to serve an editor.

Method Index

 o caretOff()
Repaint the entire component to paint the focus rectangle
 o caretOn()
Repaint the entire component to paint the focus rectangle


 o MotifTextFieldUI.MotifFieldController
public MotifTextFieldUI.MotifFieldController(JTextComponent editor)
Creates a new controller to serve an editor.

editor - the text editor


 o caretOn
protected void caretOn()
Repaint the entire component to paint the focus rectangle

caretOn in class MotifTextUI.MotifController
 o caretOff
protected void caretOff()
Repaint the entire component to paint the focus rectangle

caretOff in class MotifTextUI.MotifController

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