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Interface java.awt.swing.table.TableColumnModel

public interface TableColumnModel
See Also:

Method Index

 o addColumn(TableColumn)
Appends aColumn to the end of the receiver's tableColumns array.
 o addColumnModelListener(TableColumnModelListener)
 o addColumnSelectionInterval(int, int)
Adds the columns from index0 to index0 inclusive to the current selection, if column selection and multiple selection is allowed.
 o clearSelection()
Deselects all selected columns if empty selection is allowed.
 o getColumn(int)
Returns the TableColumn object for the column at columnIndex
 o getColumn(Object)
Returns the TableColumn object for the column in the receiver's columns array whose identifier is equal to identifier, when compared using equals().
 o getColumnCount()
Returns the number of columns in the model
 o getColumnIndex(Object)
Returns the index of the first column in the receiver's columns array whose identifier is equal to identifier, when compared using equals().
 o getColumnIndexAtX(int)
Returns the index of the column that lies on the xPosition, or -1 if it lies outside the any of the column's bounds.
 o getColumnMargin()
Returns the width margin between each column
 o getColumns()
Returns an Enumeration of all the columns in the model
 o getColumnSelectionAllowed()
 o getEmptySelectionAllowed()
 o getMultipleSelectionAllowed()
 o getSelectedColumn()
 o getSelectedColumnCount()
 o getSelectedColumns()
 o getTotalColumnWidth()
Returns the total width of all the columns.
 o isColumnSelected(int)
 o isColumnSelected(Object)
 o makeSelectionEmpty()
Deselects all selected columns even if empty selection is not allowed.
 o moveColumn(int, int)
Moves the column and heading at columnIndex to newIndex.
 o removeColumn(TableColumn)
Deletes the TableColumn column from the receiver's table columns array.
 o removeColumnModelListener(TableColumnModelListener)
 o removeColumnSelectionInterval(int, int)
Deselects the columns from index0 to index0 inclusive.
 o selectAll()
If the TableColumnModel allows multiple selection then selects all columns.
 o setColumnMargin(int)
Sets the TableColumn's column margin to newMargin.
 o setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean)
Sets whether the columns in this model can be selected.
 o setColumnSelectionInterval(int, int)
Selects the columns from index0 to index1 inclusive, if column selection is allowed.
 o setEmptySelectionAllowed(boolean)
Sets whether the user can select zero columns.
 o setMultipleSelectionAllowed(boolean)
Sets whether the user can select more than one column at a time.


 o addColumn
public abstract void addColumn(TableColumn aColumn)
Appends aColumn to the end of the receiver's tableColumns array. This method also posts the columnAdded() event to its listeners.

aColumn - The TableColumn to be added
See Also:
 o removeColumn
public abstract void removeColumn(TableColumn column)
Deletes the TableColumn column from the receiver's table columns array. This method will do nothing if column is not in the table's columns list. This method also posts the columnRemoved() event to its listeners.

column - The TableColumn to be removed
See Also:
 o moveColumn
public abstract void moveColumn(int columnIndex,
                                int newIndex)
Moves the column and heading at columnIndex to newIndex. The old column at columnIndex will now be found at newIndex, The column that used to be at newIndex is shifted left or right to make room. This will not move any columns if columnIndex equals newIndex. This method also posts the columnMoved() event to its listeners.

columnIndex - the index of column to be moved
newIndex - New index to move the column
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if column or newIndex are not in the valid range
 o setColumnMargin
public abstract void setColumnMargin(int newMargin)
Sets the TableColumn's column margin to newMargin. This method also posts the columnMarginChanged() event to its listeners.

newMargin - the width margin of the column
See Also:
 o getColumnCount
public abstract int getColumnCount()
Returns the number of columns in the model

 o getColumns
public abstract Enumeration getColumns()
Returns an Enumeration of all the columns in the model

 o getColumnIndex
public abstract int getColumnIndex(Object columnIdentifier)
Returns the index of the first column in the receiver's columns array whose identifier is equal to identifier, when compared using equals(). Returns -1 if no column is found with the specified identifier.

identifier - the identifier object
the index of the first table column in the receiver's tableColumns array whose identifier is equal to identifier, when compared using equals().
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if identifier is null
See Also:
 o getColumn
public abstract TableColumn getColumn(Object columnIdentifier)
Returns the TableColumn object for the column in the receiver's columns array whose identifier is equal to identifier, when compared using equals(). Returns null if no column is found with the specified identifier.

identifier - the identifier object
the TableColumn object for the column in the receiver's tableColumns array whose identifier is equal to identifier, when compared using equals()
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if identifier is null
See Also:
 o getColumn
public abstract TableColumn getColumn(int columnIndex)
Returns the TableColumn object for the column at columnIndex

columnIndex - the index of the column desired
the TableColumn object for the column at columnIndex
 o getColumnMargin
public abstract int getColumnMargin()
Returns the width margin between each column

 o getColumnIndexAtX
public abstract int getColumnIndexAtX(int xPosition)
Returns the index of the column that lies on the xPosition, or -1 if it lies outside the any of the column's bounds.

the index of the column or -1 if no column is found
 o getTotalColumnWidth
public abstract int getTotalColumnWidth()
Returns the total width of all the columns.

 o setMultipleSelectionAllowed
public abstract void setMultipleSelectionAllowed(boolean flag)
Sets whether the user can select more than one column at a time.

See Also:
 o getMultipleSelectionAllowed
public abstract boolean getMultipleSelectionAllowed()
true if the receiver allows more than one column selected
See Also:
 o setEmptySelectionAllowed
public abstract void setEmptySelectionAllowed(boolean flag)
Sets whether the user can select zero columns.

See Also:
 o getEmptySelectionAllowed
public abstract boolean getEmptySelectionAllowed()
true if the receiver allows zero column selected
See Also:
 o setColumnSelectionAllowed
public abstract void setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean flag)
Sets whether the columns in this model can be selected.

See Also:
 o getColumnSelectionAllowed
public abstract boolean getColumnSelectionAllowed()
true if columns can be selected.
See Also:
 o selectAll
public abstract void selectAll()
If the TableColumnModel allows multiple selection then selects all columns.

 o clearSelection
public abstract void clearSelection()
Deselects all selected columns if empty selection is allowed. If empty selection in not allowed then it deselects all except one column.

 o makeSelectionEmpty
public abstract void makeSelectionEmpty()
Deselects all selected columns even if empty selection is not allowed.

 o setColumnSelectionInterval
public abstract void setColumnSelectionInterval(int index0,
                                                int index1)
Selects the columns from index0 to index1 inclusive, if column selection is allowed. If multiple selection is not allowed then it only selects the column at index0.

index0 - one end of the interval.
index1 - other end of the interval
 o addColumnSelectionInterval
public abstract void addColumnSelectionInterval(int index0,
                                                int index1)
Adds the columns from index0 to index0 inclusive to the current selection, if column selection and multiple selection is allowed.

index0 - one end of the interval.
index1 - other end of the interval
 o removeColumnSelectionInterval
public abstract void removeColumnSelectionInterval(int index0,
                                                   int index1)
Deselects the columns from index0 to index0 inclusive. If empty selection is not allowed then this might leave one column selected.

index0 - one end of the interval.
index1 - other end of the interval
 o getSelectedColumn
public abstract int getSelectedColumn()
the index of the last column selected or added to the selection, (lead selection) or -1 if no column is selected.
See Also:
 o getSelectedColumns
public abstract int[] getSelectedColumns()
the indices of all selected columns, or an empty int array if no column is selected.
See Also:
 o getSelectedColumnCount
public abstract int getSelectedColumnCount()
the number of selected columns. 0 if no columns are selected.
 o isColumnSelected
public abstract boolean isColumnSelected(int column)
true if the column at index column is selected
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if column is not in the valid range
 o isColumnSelected
public abstract boolean isColumnSelected(Object identifier)
true if the column with identifier matching identifier is selected
 o addColumnModelListener
public abstract void addColumnModelListener(TableColumnModelListener x)
 o removeColumnModelListener
public abstract void removeColumnModelListener(TableColumnModelListener x)

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