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class VecScatterMsk

A masked vector-subscript scatter schedule is a communication schedule for scattering values from one distributed array (the source array) into elements of another (the destination array). The target set of elements are defined by a vector of rank-1 arrays--the subscript arrays. This schedule can be regarded as an optimized special case of the general scatter schedule of section 5.8. It is functionally similar to certain Fortran-90 array assignments involving vector subscripts and executed inside WHERE statements--minus the constraints that enforce determinism in Fortran. A vector-subscript scatter schedule is described by a collective object with local components of class VecScatterMsk. The public interface of the VecScatterMsk class is

  class DAD ;

  class VecScatterMsk {
  public :
    VecScatterMsk(const DAD* src, const DAD* dst, const int len,
                  const DAD* subs [], const int* subsDat [],
                  const DAD* msk, const int* mskDat) ;

    void execute(void* srcDat, void* dstDat) ;
  private :
  } ;

Guansong Zhang
Fri Oct 9 12:29:23 EDT 1998