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VecScatterMsk(const DAD* src, const DAD* dst, const int len,
              const DAD* subs [], const int* subsDat [],
              const DAD* msk, const int* mskDat)
The source array is described by the DAD *src and the destination array is described by the DAD *dst. len specifies the size of each array element, in bytes. The source and destination arrays have the same rank, R. The vectors subs and subsDat have extent R. If subs [r] is non-null, the pair *subs [r], subsDat [r] defines the rth subscript array. The pair *msk, mskDat defines a mask array.

Note: the source and destination arguments of VecScatterMsk members are reversed relative to the conventions for most communication schedules. This is to emphasize the symmetry with VecGatherMsk.

Guansong Zhang
Fri Oct 9 12:29:23 EDT 1998