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class Group

A process group is described by a collective object [?] with local components of class Group. The public interface of the Group class is

  class Procs ;
  class DimensionSet ;
  class Coord ;

  class Group {
  public :
    Group() ;
    Group(const Procs& p) ;

    const Procs* prc() const ;

    DimensionSet dims() const ;

    int member() const ;

    int size() const ;

    int id() const ;

    int id_prc(const int id) const ;
    int id_abs(const int id) const ;

    int lead_prc() const ;
    int lead_abs() const ;

    void restrict(Dimension d, const int coord) ;
    void restrict(Dimension d) ;
    void restrict(DimensionSet ds) ;

    inline Group operator/(const Coord& i) const ;
    inline Group& operator/=(const Coord& i) ;

  private :
  } ;

Guansong Zhang
Fri Oct 9 12:29:23 EDT 1998