prc()An inquiry function returning a pointer to the local Procs object associated with the parent process array.
dims()An inquiry function returning the effective dimension set of this group. This is a subset of the dimensions of the parent process array,
member()An inquiry function that returns a non-zero value if the local process is a member of the group, and 0 if not.
size()An inquiry function returning the total number of processes, P, in the group.
id()An inquiry function that returns the id of the local process relative to this group. Its value is defined if and only if the local process is a member of the group, in which case it is in the range
id_prc(const int id)A conversion function from id relative to this group to id relative to the parent process array.
id_abs(const int id)A conversion function from id relative to this group to id relative to the initial process group--ie, to absolute process id. Equivalent to prc()->id_abs(id_prc(id))
lead_prc()The id relative to the parent process array of the lead process of this group--equivalent to id_prc(0).
lead_abs()The absolute id of the lead process of the group--equivalent to id_abs(0).
restrict(Dimension d, const int coord)Reduce the process group by restricting the coordinate in d to the value coord. The operation removes d from dims(). It is ill-defined if d is not a member of dims() beforehand. It is a null operation if d is collapsed.
restrict(Dimension d)Reduce the process group by restricting the coordinate in d to the value associate with the local process, equivalent to restrict(d, d.crd()). The operation is ill-defined if the local process is not a member of the parent process array, or if d is not a member of dims() beforehand. It is a null operation if d is collapsed.
restrict(DimensionSet ds)Reduce the process group by restricting the coordinate in all dimensions from ds to the values associate with the local process. Equivalent to applying restrict(d) for every member, d, of ds. The operation is ill-defined if the local process is not a member of the parent process array, or if ds is not a subset of dims() beforehand.