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Alignment and value-alignment

An array, a is aligned with an array b if they are distributed over the equivalent process groups and their ranges are all equivalent:


We omit full formal definition of alignment equivalence between groups and ranges. Informally, two groups or two ranges are equivalent if they are structurally equivalentgif. The informal meaning of array alignment is that corresponding elements of the two arrays are stored on the same process, or replicated over the same group of processes.

An array, a is value-aligned with an array b if their ranges are all equivalent and a.grp() contains b.grp(). The informal meaning of value-alignment is that every process that holds a copy of an element of b holds a copy of the corresponding element of a (although the converse may not be true, because a can be replicated over a larger process group).

Note that for value-alignment it is required that ranges are equivalent. A common mistake is to assume if a particular range of b is collapsed, but a has replicated alignment with respect to the corresponding range of b, the arrays satisfy the criteria for value-alignment. Informally this situtation seems to meet the requirements for value-alignment. Unfortunately it does not satisfy the strict definition, and in general functions that assume value-alignment will not work unless the strict definition is adhered to.

The array, a is aligned with b with replicated-alignment in some dimensions if the groups are equivalent, and the ranges of a can be paired with equivalent ranges of b by omitting the ranges of b associated with the specified dimensions. Value-alignment with replication in specified dimensions is defined similarly.

Guansong Zhang
Fri Oct 9 12:29:23 EDT 1998