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An Adlib array is a rectangular distributed array of any rank, whose elements are partioned or replicated across some set of processes. The layout of the array is described by an object of type DAD which contains

The definition of the array is completed by a local array, or a pointer to a base address in the memory of each process, where the elements are actually stored. The type of the array elements is determined by the type of the local array segment--the DAD itself is blind to element type.

Note that the Adlib kernel makes no intrinsic assumptions about the ordering of array elements in local memory. For example, when a new distributed array is created, the dimension map vectors can set up to describe the situation where the first or the last dimension is ``most rapidly varying'' in memorygif. Similarly, no assumption is made that array elements fill a contiguous region of memory. In Fortran 90 terms, a DAD record can describe an arbitrary regular section of some parent array.

Guansong Zhang
Fri Oct 9 12:29:23 EDT 1998